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Tim Wirtanen Posted on Aug 09, 2006
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Power Supply? First of all, I am well aware of all the dangers of television repair. Secondly, if I wanted to take it to a shop I would have done so. What I need is highly detailed, step by step instructions and a place to order the part(s). Now, that being said, when I turn on the TV you can here the power "click" on, but there is no power light and the screen stays dark. I suspect it is the power supply. Can the power supply simply be replaced without any re-programming/re-setting of any chip(s)?

  • Tim Wirtanen Aug 12, 2006

    Me Again (q4g54twae),
    I called Zenith today (08.11.06) and they informed me since I was not an authorized service repair center they would not EVER give me technical advice or sell me parts. I told these pieces of maggot excrement this was the primary reason I would NEVER buy a Zenith product ever again, and I told this person to relay this messsage to EVERYBODY at Zenith. And, for the recored, I have been aurhorized by GOD Himself to service, repair and maintain any and all things that come into my sphere of influence, and I have the documentation to prove this (read your Bible to verify this).
    Now then, I have an oscilloscope (among many other tools) and I know how to use them and, yes, I have years of training to go along with them. As for replacing components on circut boards, I was trained by a NASA cretified electronics technician.
    What I now need is the exact part numbers and a place to get the best service manual(s). I am fully capable of testing and replacing any and all parts on a circut board. As always, your assistance is much appreciated. Thanks. q4g54twae

  • jj98 Dec 21, 2007

    where can I buy the kit of parts mentioned

    hopefully in canada - or someone who will ship to canada


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  • Posted on Aug 09, 2006
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Techman is ok,,, I have 40 years experience in electronic, working for manny techs, I fix the problem that thoses tech cant, and thas my job, all of them know that I hate to work with zenith tv, and of course I charge a lot for one, hey tech your Humor is like mine,,nice...

  • Anonymous Aug 09, 2006

    jesus I forget to said,,, you most change the regulator , an small transistor there, a resistor, a capacitor , and a diode, there is a kit with those parts, you can by direct to zenith..good luck

    dont forget to check the horizontal output tansistor and his power supply resistor..



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  • Posted on Aug 09, 2006
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Ok thats great news. Just please dont be alone in the place where you repair this set. So someone can call 911 when you get knocked on your $%$#.. LOL Now that being said and all kidding aside. Zenith TV sets are made for the entire Printed circuit board to be replaced as a whole. Contact and click on technical assistance and then find board by model and enter your model #. If the board doesent come up call them the #s there. You see I cant teach you what parts to replace in an e-mail message. It takes years of practical experience, and the proper equipment to repair an electronic device down to componet level. You will be better off to get the entire board with this Zenith and replace the PC board as it was designed for you to do. Now after you replace this board, there will be a few adjustment you will need to do like screen, focus, as well as modst likly on screen service menu as well, all depense on how well they serviced thios module. They can assist you with this as well. Good luck.


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