LG Flatron F700P 17" CRT Monitor Logo

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neoyahuu maffia Posted on Jul 18, 2006
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Color not stable.

I just bought this monitor last year. After bought it, my friend tell me that it have like some inner curve, not to its resolution but its screen. I thought its still ok then i let it go as it. When its going about a year old, the color becomes unbalance/trouble. Sometimes it not have color except grey and very sensitive when have some / a little shaking. When its ON for a while(15minutes), then its become OK. But it is just sometimes. And sometimes will going bad again. I really dissapointed of this expensive monitor. At top of view is ok and clear, and at bottom i think its little blur. What is the problem. Is it just a small problem and can be fixed without expensive cost? Or should i buy a new one. I work with computer and little confuse about it because it still can be use as normal when OK and going bad sometime and make me very disapointed! Please suggest me.

  • neoyahuu maffia
    neoyahuu maffia Jul 22, 2006

    I open it. open his main circuit board. search for poor solder. all soldering seem to be so ok. i put solder some of them. just hoping. make some touch to all capasitor if there any loose. put back and put the power back on. walla. still the same. sometime i knock hard at left side and it become OK and colorful for about 1/4 screen when it knocked and back to be bad colour.


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  • Posted on Jul 18, 2006
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Joined: Jun 22, 2006

Your description sounds like a unit with cold solder joints or a bad capacitor. It sounds like you have the skills to check the 1st problem. Remember safety. If you can solder remove the back and solder all the connections on the main circuit board. Give this a try. This could easily solve your problem. Probably more than half of these kinds of problems are related to poor solder joints. If this doesn't fix it finding a bad capacitor could be more than you are capable of, which means you may need the assistance of a qualified repair tech. Good luck.

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