Acer AL2032WD 20" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Logo
acbko mou Posted on Jul 10, 2006

Acer AL2021 My monitor works as it is supposed to when turned on, after it has been on for some time, and the computer is rebooted the start up ACER logo flashes on then of after a second or two and the screen remains blank. If I shut off the power for 10-30 minutes the monitor works again and will remain on and work well unless rebooted. Any suggestions what causes this or how it may be repaired. Thank you

  • 2 more comments 
  • acbko mou Jul 11, 2006

    Sorry the model number is AL2021 not 2032

  • Torin Walker Sep 12, 2008

    One year after purchasing this monitor, I ended up with the same problem. The monitor would turn on, flash the logo for a brief period (~200ms), go blank, flash the PC screen (also ~200ms), then go blank. Not even the monitor's menu would show when the menu button was pressed.

    I used to be able to fix the condition by unplugging it for a few seconds, then turning it back on. Recently however, a reboot has caused it to go into this failure mode, I fear, forever.

    I tried all combinations of holding keys down, cycling the power switch, even unplugging it. Nothing it seems can ressurect this monitor. I have yet to remove the cover to see what lies beneath.

    If anyone knows which part in the power section happens to be faulty (or even has a suspicion), I would appreciate the info. I would also appreciate greatly receiving a PDF of, or a link to, a (free) service manual for this monitor, if such a document exists; I could then attempt to repair the monitor and post my findings for all.


  • Faubut Oct 26, 2008

    I have the same problem with my son's screen and I only bought it for him 2 months ago. It only flashes the logo and then it goes black. I tried everything I know how to do and could not fix it. I am very very disappointed.

  • Anonymous Nov 11, 2008

    Did anyone ever resolve this? I've had the same problem intermittently with my AL2021 for a couple years. It has recently become much worse--every day I have to hit the on/off button under the monitor dozens of times before I get lucky and it comes on. I've made several calls to tech support over the past two years, and no tech has yet acknowledged that this is a recurring problem with this model, though I've found several mentions of it on the web. I'm finally sending it in for repair.


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  • Posted on Jul 10, 2011
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This also worked for me, On the monitors power supply board, i replaced 2- 470uf 16v, 2-1000uf 16v and 1- 680uf 16v capacitors with ones which were 25v and the monitor works awesome now! Pretty good for a 4.51$ fix and free monitor.


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  • Posted on Jan 17, 2011
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I fixed my AL2021 by replacing the output caps on the power board. $4 repair. Pull the thing apart and replace the 1000uF, 680uF and 470uF caps on the end of the power board.

  • erik_321 Mar 31, 2011

    Replacing the capacitors worked for me too.
    If your screen suddenly goes black a lot of times just the backlight goes off. You can check this with a flashlight by shining on the screen and watch carefully if you see anything. If you can see anything your monitor is still working only the backlight has failed.

  • Anonymous Jul 10, 2011

    This also worked for me, On the monitors power supply board, i replaced 2- 470uf 16v, 2-1000uf 16v and 1- 680uf 16v capacitors with ones which were 25v and the monitor works awesome now! Pretty good for a 4.51$ fix and free monitor.




I had exactly the same problem with my acer al2021 - they replaced the power unit and now it's happening again - first the flickering and now no picture at all! and their repair warranty is only 3 months... they told me it would be cheaper to buy a new monitor! so i will - but never another Acer product!



A TV repair shop can repair for about $50 -replace one of the transistors on power board

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