I had this same problem. It was very frusterating. All i did was kinda gently hit the lens with the palm of my hand and it turned on and did exactly wat i wanted it to do! Work!
I have the same camera, and same problem. I tappede it a few times and was able to get the lens to come out a bit and then it would go back into the camera housing. I then turned it on and off and had to manually pull the lens out and now it works fi ne. These cameras are old and can use a bit of a slap on the head to make them work again.
Have a 8700.Lens error cost 250.00 to fix.Cheap drive gear stripped after the camera was turned on and lens collided with filter.Be careful not to zoom lens into attachments.
This is actually for a new S600 CoolPix. I don't believe it. The power of the internet. I set up a soft coaster on the table. Whacked it, not HARD, but firm. Once on the bottom, and nothing happened. One more time directly over the lens itself. It worked. Dunno why. Don't really care - just so my wfie doesn't find out I had broke her camera. :)
I was having a "Lens Error" with my Nikon Coolpix S10 camera and this websites' tips fixed my camera.
Good Luck!
My s51 had same problem, I took above advice and starting gently taping side of camera (near lens) on counter while turning on and off untill lens error message finally went away and camera worked again but would not focus and when it was turned off lens error message would reappear. So I hit it a bit harder and get repeating proceedure each time hitting it a little harder. Now it works normal, will focus and turn off and on normal. At the point of a lens error message shops quoted me about $150 bucks to repair, camera only costs $200 to replace so why not try it, you already have a papper wieght, not much to loose at this point! Thanks all who posted this tip, saved me buying a new camera, for now anyways.
Faulty lenses is the number one problem with digital cameras. Please don't do as some people say and twist,push,pull or bash the lens to repair it. You can make things worse than they are if you do. The fault could be the tracking pins falling out or jumping it's guides. Sand or foreign matter jamming the lens gears. Faulty drive motors or broken or disconnected wiring and more. My only advice is take it to a camera tech not employed by the camera's manufacturer. The company techs are under orders to make a fortune or get you to buy a new camera. Ask around your family and friends to see if they know a reliable tech who knows digital cameras. Be careful of schoolboy geniuses too. Your camera will need completely stripping and maybe a new/used lens assembly fitted. Apart from that. A search of Ebay for the same model camera with perhaps a smashed LCD and do the transplant trick may be cheaper. BMW
Lens was stuck extended out on my Nikon 5600. Turning it on and off several times didn't help. Guy at local Big Box electronic store said it would cost more to fix than a new camera. Actually bought a newer and better replacement and was about to toss the old one when I read this. Hey, just gave it a little push (enough to bounce the lense back against the motor or what ever's holding it out), reinstalled the batterys, and it worked.
I have a coolpix s 210.its an awesome camera till the time i used it at the sea beach.just after a few days i had this same problem of screen going red and "lens error"showing on the screen..my wife had taken it to a marriage ceremony and cudnt use it at all.she came back sad and i took it to the shop.the techie guy told me solutions which were costing as much as the camera itself.Then i read these solutions.man.....its a miracle.the lens was'nt coming out and i forced the portion outside the lens to rotate...it was risky and then i tapped it on the table..not too hard.it was a little helpful and then i forced the zoom to rotate with my fingers and eureka...the zoom came out like it was never faulty...The trick does work.
Okay, so I had this exact same problem with my coolpix s210...and after reading these forums it seemed hopeless.. and everyone mentioned the professional solution would cost a lot. So I decided if I had to replace my camera anyways, I may as well risk breaking it trying to fix it... the outcome? I fixed it!
So around the little plastic shutter lens is a metal piece with writing on it usually says something like "nikon 3x optical zoom mm..." and so on... so i gave it a little twist, and the shutters forced themselves open...so i played around screwing the circular piece tighter and looser until I found the perfect happy medium where the shutters would close again... then, after pressing the power back on the entire lens was able to come out, and no more problem..
sorry if this wasnt very well described... I know nothing about the techinical terms or details of cameras... hope this helps someone out there!
-yeahh i just had the LENS ERROR problem. my sister dropped my L4 yesterday, inmediately i turned it on and worked. but today i turned it on and the camera clicked and the error appeared. the error persisted even turning it off and on several times, but i solved it just buy pushing the lens in a little while it was on, nothing happened, but i turned it off and on again and SURPRISE. the lens came out normally. so if you have that kind of problem dont worry, maybe is nothing serious. gently try to unlock the lent before running to a technical shop
I had the same problem and the camera shop said it was not worth fixing due to costs, so I tried the above solution of giving it a bit of a gentle hit, which did not work, so I gave it a quite solid smack and it worked. not recommended unless you are prepared to risk completely ruining your camera
Exactly the same problem as described . Lens stuck and screen showing "lens error" Camera retailers advised I send it back to manufacturers for costly repair or buy new camera. Googled Nikon lens error and up came all these tips. Gently pressed in the metal disc which reads "zoom Nikkor" and hey presto, camera working again. Chuffed to bits. Many thanks
Usually answered in minutes!
Well i had the same problem. Found the soloution on google. Believe it, the messages were to hit the lens and hit the side??? well i vertualy beat mine up and it worked!! Try it. Phil
I had the same problem and nothing I tried worked. I didn't use my camera for about 6 months! I was about to buy a new one when I read this thread, (even though I figured it was all ****). As it turns out, all my camera needed was a few hard whacks (I hit the lens a few times with the palm of my hand)... and whatdoyouknow! It actually worked. Technology is awesome. Don't do it unless you are really ready to throw in the towel and get a new camera, because this isn't exactly professional advice.
Thank you so much, now this helped me too!!
Who thought tough lovin would help? ;)
I tryed turning on my camera today,and it did everything normal then a thing saying lens error pops up and my hole camera turns off!What do I do?
i've tried doing this. didn't really work out all that well.
now my lens and a really flimsy spring is sitting next to the rest of my camera.
didn't even hit it hard.
seriously i think this is the biggest waste of cash i've ever ran into.
i've only had this camera for about a month.
when I turm my nikon digital camra on, lens does not open and back screen messahe lens error. How I can fix this problem