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After my tv warms up the picture starts blinking and gets progressively worse until it blinks once every second. Can anyone tell my whats wrong? Thanks.
after my tv warms up, it starts to blink. the longer I watch it the more frequently it blinks. what could be the problem and how do I fix it?after my tv warms up, it starts to blink. the longer I watch it the more frequently it blinks. what could be the problem and how do I fix it?
toshiba tv model number tp50h60 power switch on tv front panel , blinks no picture /no channel ???toshiba tv model number tp50h60 power switch on tv front panel , blinks no picture /no channel ???
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If still under warranty or if you have no electronic repair experience you should take the set back to the shop or to a repair person. Some of the solutions described below can be dangerous, TV's are very hazardous to service. Even when plugged out, TV's can store very high voltages.
In some other brands/models the tubes have problems over heating and cracking. This would give you the same symptoms. If this is indeed your problem you will have to replace all 3 tubes, since leaving some to be stronger than others will still result in blinking. Can be very expensive, up to a 1000 $.
Good luck
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after my tv warms up, it starts to blink. the longer I watch it the more frequently it blinks. what could be the problem and how do I fix it?
toshiba tv model number tp50h60 power switch on tv front panel , blinks no picture /no channel ???