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Kevin Venus Posted on Feb 05, 2018
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Monitor has white lines an screen display shrunk

My monitor started fickerin,then the screen display switched from 1024x768 to a shrink screen,with white lines running tru turns on and off by itself while the green light is still on (dell e771a) there any help for me?..oh it was about 3feet away from my tele is that a problem 2?

  • Kartic Jul 01, 2008

    I am using a viewsonic widescreen lcd monitor since 1 yr... now I am facing a similar problem... could anyone suggest what to do in order to rectify this problem?

  • Anonymous Nov 08, 2008

    I Too Have A Dell E771a CRT Monitor With The Same Problem You Are Describing. I Don't Know Where To Start, Because I Haven't Encountered A Monitor With This Problem Before.


1 Answer

Lee Wilkin

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  • Expert 60 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 05, 2018
Lee Wilkin
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Check that the cable between the computer and the monitor is still plugged in properly

5 Related Answers


  • 1153 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 14, 2007

SOURCE: dell lcd monitor with vertical lines

You have a filter problem, check power supply for bad capacitors.



  • Posted on Oct 23, 2007

SOURCE: Dell E172FP 17 monitor keeps blinking

That sounds like the backlight inverter board. Check ebay for the board or a repair kit for it.


  • 44 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 08, 2008

SOURCE: Partial Screen Display

Problem in the LCD back panel board. check the interface unit or ADC unit, also check the video clock pulse. one section is not working.....

Buddy Mcsparrin

  • 1684 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 03, 2009

SOURCE: Dell monitor shows blank screen, green power light stays on


You have a monitor with a common problem. After a few years some LCD monitorswill blow a power supply. The problem is caused by parts calledcapacitors overheating in the confined space of he monitor. If you aregood at electronics repair/soldering you can usually fix he problem. Check out a few pictures on my web site can take the back cover off your monitor and look for the bad parts,replace any that look like the pictues and your monitor should workfine. The capacitors do need to be installed with the correct + and -connections, note the stripe on the old one and insert the new one thesame way. If you don't want to try the repair yourself we offer a repair service for $35 plus shipping. I hope this helps, if so please rate my solution.

Corporate Computer
Over 21 years of computer and printer support/repair


  • 61 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 09, 2009

SOURCE: When I set the resolution to 1280x1024, the

IF the screen is wider then try to change the settings from the monitor buttons. We change change the screen size , move it , change brightness,etc.


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Related Questions:


Can't get my Dell Precision M50 Laptop video to fill the screen at 1024 768 resolution. Video will only fill the screen when I set resolution to 1600 1200. Is there something wrong with my video card?

1024x768 is a native wide-screen resolution. more than likely your video card is fine and your notebook monitor does not support that format without shrinking the top and bottom which defeats the purpose of filling the whole screen. plug the kappy into an external widescreen monitor or TV and it will work at 1024x768.

Display Collapse

it is repairable but for the cost of parts and labor you would be better of getting a new 22" LCD monitor
for the problem I would suspect the fly-back transformer or power supply

thanks for rating

I have samsung syncmaster 740nw how can i increase screen resolution to 1024x768?

you cannot set the resolution to 1024x768 but instead try 1280x720 or if you have graphics card try to set the resolution using its custom resolution by setting 1280x768.
It will surely solve your problem.

LCD monitor have Vertical lines and black colour become greenish

normally the 19" resolution can support up to 1280*1024, but if it comes with vertical lines in full screen, it might indicate the panel is no longer to work and probably it's time to replace new one.

Black colour displaying become greenish and narrow vertical lines

Most LCD monitors have a default refresh rate of 60 Hz. Older monitors also have limited resolution. Please check your display settings and ensure you're not using a refresh rate higher than 60, or a resolution higher than what it supports. If either one is the case, you're lucky the LCD still works.

Samsung 244t Monitor display issue

if the monitor will match well with Nvidia GTS8800 graphic card, you need to consider two issue:
1) resolution match from windows display property and moniter manu same one.
2) refresh frequency match from windows display property-->advance-->monitor and monitor manu--> refresh frequency
if two side setting could be all matched that you can use normally
if two side setting could not be matched any above step that you can not use some resolution normally possible.

hope help you something fixed, please take a rating let me know how much helped you thanks! keep in touch your question

When clicking the auto adjust button, the screen shrinked.

if it is an lcd monitor make sure the refresh rate is set to 60hz and the resolution is at least 1024X768 then try to push auto adjust again. To get to the refresh click on the advanced button when the display properties is open.

The shrinked screen with two white vertical line in the middle

B+ line going hi.
probably bad capacitor on hot's collector.
could also be leaky dual diode.
if non of above, look for swollen cap on main board.

Can it be sorted

its old and no monitor this old works.
its older than 2001 year. on or about.
its a vacuum tube CRT relic o f the past.
dump it.
it is a fire hazard this old (dust /lint and 17,000 volts are not friends)
this monitor has this magic I2C chip inside that scans for errors 24/7 if it seen things that can burn up the screen it shut down.
fixing it will cost 5 time the price of a nice LED flat screen used, 17"
why mess with relics?
CRTs are endsville.

the monitor if you attempt to use an ******* resolution of any kind
my reset it self to avoid screen burn, CRTs can burn up.
each maker handles this in a different way,
one shuts off
other just cut the electron beam (Z axis ) to ZERO black screen.
there call there design.
1024 x 768 at 75 Hz, is max.,.. for a fact. so say the manual
try 60 Hz, did you?
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