Dell E193FP 19" LCD Monitor Logo
mike swick Posted on May 31, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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My monitor has a horrible lag

When ever i scroll down from page to page either on the internet or on applications such as word documents, my monitor does not scroll smoothly, but rather jumps screens. For example, when you grab the scroll bar on the right side of internet pages and pull down, it should scroll smoothly as you go down the page. My monitor jumps from page to page very slowly, and is not a smooth transition. It is quite annoying. Please help!

  • mike swick May 31, 2006


    I could have zero other programs running, and it still does the lag thing. I have windows XP, 512MB RAM with 1.8 GHz AMD processor. I also have norton antivirus, i've have the Adware and spybot programs to try to get rid of spyware. I still have the same problem.

    Do you think it could be a problem with the driver for my video card?


2 Answers



Actually that sound like a driver problem. Update your driver and video card. Happy hunting.


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  • Posted on May 31, 2006
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Your monitor should have a reasonable to good refresh rate so I doubt it's at fault. It sounds as if you have another program running in the background which is slowing your computer down. Press the keys CTRL. ALT and DELETE at the same time and have a look to see what's running. Close down any programs you aren't using and see if that fixes things. Another problem could be a shortage of memory. I'd recommend no less than 512 Megabytes or ram with Windows XP. If you could give me more info as to which operating system you're using, how fast is the CPU and how much memory etc it would be easier to diagnose. One last thing, you could have a virus and it's chewing up memory. Do you have an up to date virus checker? If not install AVG. it's completely free and available on the net. While you're at it install a spyhunter program and malware checker. There's some weird rogue nasties crawling all over the net. You could've even installed a nasty along with a freebie program you got off the net. BMW

  • Anonymous Jun 03, 2006

    Yes it certainly could be, especially if you're using the generic driver which Windows found for it. Do a google for the driver or go to Or better still go to the board manufacturer and download the latest drivers.

    One way to check if there is something hogging your memory is push the Ctrl, Alt and Delete key and right down the bottom of the window which opens (Task Manager) you can see the CPU USAGE. If this is flicking around 1 to 5 then it's ok if nothing is running but if it's up closer to a hundred or jumping very high it could still be a nasty's got you. Don't forget not all virus or malware checkers find everything and there's new ones coming out every day. The one I personally recommend is SpyStopper Pro. It hasn't let anything through since I installed it and that was 5 months ago.
    One last thing, try swapping your memory modules with a friend's, you could have a problem there. Or take the memory modules out, clean the contacts with a piece of printer paper and slot them back in again. If you have 2 sticks leave one out and try out the computer. If it still plays up try the other stick on it's own. If the problem clears then buy a new module or stick.




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How do I zoom in or out when on the internet?

While browsing, hold down the Ctrl button and roll your mouse's scroll back and forth in order to change page size. As far as I recall, under Windows 7 you could do the same thing with text in rich-text documents, help files and while viewing images using the default Windows 7 application.

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The problem could be solve by removing the latest win10 update .

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I think you want to know how to zoom on a internet page ..and this is made by holding down the ctrl and scrolling with the mouse or the pad..For other applications ..the zoom is located under preferences..or options ..
For the desktop ..the enlarging and minimizing is made from the properties (click right on desktop and choose properties..or personalize for w-7 ) there on settings you have the possibility to enlarge icons ..and fonts ..

The screen continuoulsy scrolls on word, internet, ppt, anyting. How do I get it to stop? I will by typing in a word document and use backspace or enter key or delete and the side bar will scroll quickly...

The Page Down key or the Down Arrow key is stuck on the keyboard, or the laptop thinks so.

Try cleaning the keyboard with compressed air and a gentle vacuum. DO NO USE WD-40 or similar.

If that doesn't work, try an external keyboard plugged into a USB slot. You may have to disconnect the keyboard ribbon connector first, if it does not recognize the external keyboard.

When i ask to print all (pages), only the last page gets printed. I have to select and print each page separately to print out whole documents. I'm printing from an Hp using windows Vista 6.0. This...

some printers collate pages, which means they print from the last page to the first page. so that when you pick up the pages from the finished printing tray they are in order.

if you say it stops after the first page, there are a few possible reasons for this.
either you closed the application you were printing from before you finished printing (which sometimes cancels the printing job)
or the computer decided it wanted to cancel the printing on its own, this can happen if the printer has sometimes an error, this error or cause could be a lag between the data transfer to the printer.

try printing without collating the pages, while keeping the application/document open.

and make sure you have the latest drivers.


These commands are built-in. You do not have to add or program them.
Working with Applications
Say... Open Word
Open Excel
Open Email
Open Powerpoint
Open Internet
Open Notepad
Close Application
Close Window
Close Document
Scroll Down
Scroll Up
Start Word
Start Excel
Start Email
Start Powerpoint
Start Internet
Start Notepad

Scroll Left
Scroll Right

Browsing the Web
Browse the web using the following commands: Open Internet
Google Website
Yahoo Website
Altavista Website
MSN Website
eBay Website
e-Speaking Website
Go Back
Go Forward

Dialog Commands
Sometimes a program will simply ask you for a yes or no answer to an alert box or dialog. Yes

System Commands
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Stop Listening
Begin Listening
Listen to Me
Add a New Command
Add Mouse Click

Moving the Mouse
The Mouse Movement option has to be checked on the Mouse menu. Mouse Left
Mouse Right
Mouse Down
Mouse Up

Mouse Clock One
Mouse Clock Two
Mouse Clock Three
Mouse Clock Four
Mouse Clock Five
Mouse Clock Six
Mouse Clock Seven
Mouse Clock Eight
Mouse Clock Nine
Mouse Clock Ten
Mouse Clock Eleven
Mouse Clock Twelve

Slide Left
Slide Right
Slide Down
Slide Up

Mouse Buttons
Double Click
Right Click
Drag Item
Drag File
Drag Object
Release Item
Release File
Release Object

Mouse Jump To
Mouse One - Top of Window
Mouse Two
Mouse Three
Mouse Four - Middle of Window
Mouse Five
Mouse Six
Mouse Seven - Bottom of Window
Mouse Alpha - Left of Window
Mouse Beta
Mouse Charlie
Mouse Delta - Middle of Window
Mouse Echo
Mouse Foxtrot
Mouse Golf - Right of Window

Editing Commands
Doing some word processing? These commands may help perform common Windows functions. Select All
Edit Copy
Edit Paste
Edit Undo
Edit Delete
Edit Find
Delete Line
Search and Replace

Moving the Text Cursor
These commands may help navigate documents. Left Arrow
Left One
Left Two
Down Arrow
Down One
Down Two
Right Arrow
Right One
Right Two
Up Arrow
Up One
Up Two
Page Up
Page Down
Beginning of Line
End of Line
Beginning of Document
End of Document

Simulating Keys
Enter Key
Home Key
End Key
Escape Key
Delete Key
Backspace Key
Tab Key

Start Dictation
Stop Dictation
Train Word
Show Commands

Dictation - Editing
Delete that Phrase
Delete that Text
Delete Last Phrase
Delete Last Text
Strike that Phrase
Delete Last Word
Edit Copy
Edit Paste
New Line (inserts a line)
Next Line (inserts a line)
New Paragraph (inserts 2 lines)
Next Paragraph (inserts 2 lines)
Select All
Delete Key
Backspace Key

Reading Commands
Read All Text
Read Selected Text
Stop Reading
Pause Reading
Resume Reading
Skip Ahead
Skip Back
Read Faster
Read Slower

Phonetic Alphabet
You must really like using voice if you are into the Phonetic Alphabet. Alpha

Feb 05, 2011 • e-Speaking

Scroll Issue

This is a very interesting problem.. Normally I would say the a router could not cause this kind of problem, but if the page is still loading, it could be possible.

When this happens, has the page finished loading all ready? The little circle of dots spinning in the top right of the browser if you are running firefox, will tell you if the page is still loading. There will be a similar icon for Internet Explorer too.

If the page has already loaded completely, then there is no way a router could cause the slow down. If you used the install CD that came with the router (no necessary by the way) then it could have loaded some "free" software on PC and this software is now slowing the browser down.

Internet Explorer page stability

If your mouse isn't acting funny while using it in any other applications, you can either try uninstalling internet explorer and reinstalling it, or try using different browser such as Firefox


I'd say your video card is having trouble pushing the resolution of the monitor. I'd upgrade the video card.
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