I have a DECT 6.0 Uniden answerphone with several handsets which suddenly began making a strange static noise. I am using VOIP cable with the Uniden answerphone being near to the cable phone modem.
I moved the answerphone base and plugged the electric connection into a different electric socket and the buzzing static stopped immediately on the answerphone base as well as on all the handsets.
I gathered that info from another post here on this great website and wanted to post the fix over here to maybe save someone the trouble of going and buying and installing a filter at the phone jack.
I had already called my cable company to come out here and fix the problem and the technician told me to buy another phone because someone here in my apartment complex was using the same frequency that my phone was using. The tech assured me he had four years experience. I found the solution in five minutes online. Ain't technology GRAND???
I had the same problem with my uniden 5.8 ghz phone. After placing a filter (from the phone company) into the wall jack and plugging the phone into that filter the static noise was eliminated completely. Hope this helps.
SOURCE: Static
When I have a static problem with a phone or radio it usually happens when I have them plugged into a extension cord. Or they are too close to one another. You may try an ext.cord. just having the phone plugged in or find out why you have so many magnetic fields in your house and if moving the phone around to different outlets help.If not I suggest you call Radio Shack. You can not beat their customer service.
Usually answered in minutes!