Samsung SyncMaster 551 15" CRT Monitor Logo
firdous saleheen Posted on May 28, 2006
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Redless screen the color red is totally missing from my times the red returns for a short while then disappears.also there are some parallel horizontal white line on upper side of the screen noticeable whwn the background is black. i have changed the configuration of video result. i have replaced the video result.

  • 4 more comments 
  • manofhalhand Nov 13, 2007

    all red images look black

  • Anonymous Jan 21, 2008

    i need the toll free numder to g2g gear

  • Anonymous Apr 14, 2008

    Compaq 5500 CRT monitor, Reinstalled the Drivers still the Red colour is missging and black is there instead of it

  • tinamoggo May 09, 2008

    i have no green color on my monitor, and i dont want to have to take it in to be fixed, how do i fix it myself? Is there a chance i could make it worse?

  • edjan Jun 13, 2008

    The display of my monitor was totally red. I tried to turn it off for a moment it comes back normally but in a shortwhile it returns again to the same problem. What shall I do with this?

  • Anonymous Oct 28, 2008

    The color red is missing from my monitor


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  • Posted on May 31, 2006
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The white lines on the darker backgrounds are more than likely retrace lines. Usually caused by a leaky capacitor in the horizontal sync circuitry. If the red comes and goes it's probably a dry joint in the red drive. If you're handy with a soldering iron try resoldering the solder joints on the CRT neck board. If that doesn't do the trick then perhaps the drive transistors are on the motherboard. Just look for 3 transistors usually in a row and somewhere very close would be adjustable pots with the letters R.G and B printed near them. Even a simple gentle tapping with a plastic end of a screwdriver around that area may make the red flash on and off. Just resolder around that area and you'll know it's fixed when the red stays on. Just make sure the power is unplugged when working on the set and stay well away from the EHT and power supply areas. They can give you a nasty shock even if it is unplugged. Actually with live chassis TVs it's always best to use an isolation tranformer. If any of this is over your head the say hello to the repairman :-) BMW



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  • Posted on May 31, 2006
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Sillygirl I thought I would pass along a little tip on crt testing I learned many years ago. You take a 470 Ohm resistor and ground on end with a cliplead and touch the other end to the collector of the drive transistor. If the crt is good it will glow that color of the drive xixtor so you can simply check all three guns in a easy fashion without draging out the old crt tester/rejuvenator. Now this is only to see if the tube is working on that gun and wont tell you how much gain the color has..


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  • Posted on May 31, 2006
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If still under warranty or if you have no electronic repair experience you should take the set back to the shop or to a repair person. Some of the solutions described below can be dangerous, TV's and CRT monitors are very hazardous to service. Even when plugged out, they can store very high, deadly voltages. How old is the picture tube? If there's lots of phosphor burn on it, chances are the red gun inside the picture tube is out. A sure-fire way requires an oscilloscope. Check the voltages on the three color guns at their corresponding pins on the CRT's neck board. You can see their levels change as you tweak their adjustment pots on the neck board. If the red voltage is present and at the same levels as green and blue, then the gun inside the tube is shot. If the red voltage is NOT there, then you can work backwards and find out where you're losing it. It could be a bad buffer amplifier (transistor or I.C.), bad solder joint, or even a broken wire in the cable harness. check for cracked solder joints where the RGB, Grd Sync connector is. check the pins on the molex power supply connector, could be that the pin for the red is pushed back and is not making contact. Try swapping the red and green inputs if you see red on your monitor and no green, then it is NOT the tube. If you see no red still but still get a green where red should be I would suspect a bad chassis.

  • Anonymous Jun 01, 2006

    Thanks techman
    Preserve the legacy ;]


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  • Posted on Oct 10, 2007

SOURCE: Black Out

Hi Detrix, Check with if you want a repair. Something is wrong with your LCD controller and or GUI interface circuit or the circuit supplying power to it. If your technically endowed, you may want to open the monitor case and clean the dust and lint from around the circuits using a Small paint brush to sweep away any built up dust. These circuits take the Signal from the computer and controls the 2.5 million pixels on the LCD screen. Dsut can cause major problems with handling all that data. Give it a shot, what do you have to loose, its not dangerous if the monitor is unplugged.



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  • Posted on Oct 26, 2009

SOURCE: Syncmaster 245B Monitor Shivering horizontal lines

Dead pixel 100% My first 245BW had a dead pixel, exchanged it. This is why you buy these because of the 3 year factory warranty.


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  • Posted on Nov 09, 2009

SOURCE: Vertical colored lines on white background on SyncMaster 740N

Hey dont open the LCD in a hurry......the problem may be due 2 usage of LCD 4 long time better dont on the pc for a day........or in night time keep it under the fan.......this may give a better result........

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