Indesit 24 in. D63S Free-standing Dishwasher Logo

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Clive Goddard Posted on May 18, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Indisit d63 dishwasher

My dishwasher has stopped sounds as though it tries to empty at the begining of the cycle. but then it is not filling with water. i have checked the water supply this is ok and electric supply is fine too. the only thing i can add when the fault was discovered there appeared to be a small amount of oily water on the floor maybe from underneath. i would be greatfull for any advice you could supply Mr Goddard.

  • Anonymous Apr 05, 2008

    water do not drain out. stays i on the base of the machine.

  • Anonymous Mar 31, 2014

    water supply ok , electricity supply ok but dishwasher won't work


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  • Posted on May 18, 2006
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Water supply to the dishwasher is done through an electromagnet valve,loocated at the pipe's enterance to the machine. Test that it get power (with a multi- meter). In case it get power and dosen't work - You can easyly open the valve and clean it (from scale or other dirt). Be aware you should disconnect the power cable from the machine before doing it !!!!! Check as well for valve's coil resistance. In case you have no resistance measurement - you should replace for a new valve. Good luck

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Hi Bandula.
check this link out and see if it helps you out.

Indesit D63 stops mid cycle


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Warning! To avoid personal injury or even death, always disconnect your appliance from its power source--that is, unplug it or break the connection at the circuit breaker or fuse box--before you do any troubleshooting or repair work on your appliance. Also, because some components may have sharp edges, use caution while working on your appliance.

There's an error code on the digital display

It doesn't work at all
It cleans poorly
There's no water entering the machine
The water doesn't drain from the machine
It's noisy
It leaks
The dry cycle has problems
The door has problems
The cycle doesn't complete
I see an error code
The detergent cup doesn't open
The cycle times are too long

Hi there my indesit D63 won't work no more it just stop after a few minutes thanks

Hello Asheek!

More details please!

"After a few minutes" means it starts, fills and begins the first rinse cycle, then stops. Water in the tub?

we need more info!

all the best.
Nov 22, 2014 • Dishwashers

I have a Neff Dishwasher S5446x0/29 FD 8109 460056. It started making a whirring noise and when I looked it was not emptying the soapy wash water. I stopped the machine and manually drained the water out....

if the pump is not emptying properly it will think its still full, they have a sensor in the bottom that tell the machine that the system is empty and to begin next cycle.

At beginning of waswch cycle, water flows in. Then it stops and the cycle doesn't continue even though the countdown timer continues. Water flows out freely.

when the water comes in to dishwasher the wash pump should start if you hear a hummimg sound it means that the wash pump is either blocked or the capasitor on the pump is faulty or maybe the pump it self needs to be replaced
Sep 27, 2009 • Dishwashers

Our Hoover HD98E Dishwasher stopped working properly today. After a while the machine stops during the power spray cycle and just buzzes as though the pump is powered but not spraying. Is this the pressure...

its possible that your timer has a bad contack at this spot the machine stops but the drain valves open try advancing the timer one notch to see if it will work if yes relace the timer thanks from gilles

Leaking Indesit D63 dishwasher

Bad designed and filled with mistakes, I cant lie to you and even reccomend a cure /fix for this.Sorry.
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