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Left a dvd in and the main screen menu created a 6" x 8" blue mark on the screen. Now if watching a channel with wording around that area it also stays on the screen for a while. Can this be fixed?
yep! This tv is only 3 years old. Just replaced lamp. Now I have a purple/blue (prism like) along bottom of screen and a blue haze over middle of screen. Let me know how you fixed it.yep! This tv is only 3 years old. Just replaced lamp. Now I have a purple/blue (prism like) along bottom of screen and a blue haze over middle of screen. Let me know how you fixed it.
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Nope Not unless you replace the tubes with the burn in them You have to take off ther front screen and look into the lens while tvs on and you will see what tube is burned worse. Sorry!!! but I have heard of folks equilizing the burned tubes by taking a solid color one at a time (red,green and blue) and keeping on only one color on for 4 to 6 hours one at a time and them all on at a time for a solid white and have seen some pretty good results.. Good Luck
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yep! This tv is only 3 years old. Just replaced lamp. Now I have a purple/blue (prism like) along bottom of screen and a blue haze over middle of screen. Let me know how you fixed it.