Dell UltraSharp 1900FP 19" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Logo

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Kenji Leonard Posted on Mar 20, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Dell Flat Panel repair

There are very small vertical lines in my display. All menus are clear. Just the display.

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  • Posted on Mar 20, 2006
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Unfortunatly, chances are this is a hardware problem, but anyways, i would still recommend you reinstall drivers, or change them. various problems get fixed just by doing this simple action, so you can never know, it may save you lots of pain. in case this doesnt solve anything (which is most likely to happen), this can be a case of either bad cable, or bad graphic card. first, attach a new cable from screen to computer, and clean the outputs first. if it doesnt help, there is a chance display cheap is fried. btw, this vertical lines thing seems to be a common problem in several dell models. the solution i gave you are very general, so there's a good chance problem accurs from a bad product and there's nothing you can do about it but to call del and do some yelling. good luck.

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Vertical lines can occur due to a loose contact of LVDS cable, to display panel and T'Con board. Re-seat it once and check.

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most likely capacitor problem as these caps only have a 25000-40000 hour life span. when you do replaace the monitor , turn it off when not at the computer. even though it goes into sleep mode there is still a current running through the unit cuz if you move the mouse or hit button on keyboard display wakes up. I know this because I have done boad level repair on panels

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This occurs when you have lines of pixels go out or your video card has gone bad on your computer. You should hook it up to another computer to confirm which is causing the issue and repair/replace the problem device.

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Well if the panel is bad it would not clear up in any situation, so its not the panel. most likely the t-con board or just poor connections inside. Julio Millenium TV in Las Vegas.

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Dell had a problem with horizontal lines in some of their monitors a little while back. I would try contacting Dell Tech Support to see if your monitor is one of the one effected. I think they were replacing the monitors that had the problem, but I'm not completely sure.

Vertical lines in my laptop screen

Try connecting an external monitor to the Dell Inspiron 9300 and see if the vertical line is also present on the monitor. If the monitor display is fine, then your laptop’s LCD display panel is defective. If the monitor also displays the vertical line, then your problem is with either the video card or motherboard located inside your laptop.
Not sure if the Compaq Presario has an external monitor plug, but if it does the above procedure can be applied to that one as well.

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Dell e171fpb lcd monitor

The driver tabs between the LCD panel and it's controller board have failed.
These are very fragile and not repairable for anything in the cost effective range.
Best option is to either find a new panel to replace it, or get a new monitor.
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