If the servers have simple names like 'mail' or 'news', the problem may be that the ISP's domain suffix is not being added to these names before DNS lookup. Add your ISP's domain suffix as Domain Name in the RO318's System menu. In addition, the ISP may be looking for a particular host name for your account, in which case you should enter the host name as the System Name in the RO318's System menu. Example: Consider the following account with the ISP "earthlink.net". 1. Host Name: C-223344-A 2. Domain Name: www.earthlink.net Mail Server mail Although the ISP lists the name of their mail server as 'mail', the fully expanded name is actually: mail.earthlink.net If the ISP automatically provides the domain suffix to your router, the router will append the domain suffix to DNS requests. If not, you can try one of these methods: 1. In each application (such as mail client or news reader), list the fully expanded server name, 2. Manually configure DNS parameters in the network settings of each of your PCs, and enter the domain suffix manually.
SOURCE: Why can't I access my ISP's resources, such as their mail and news servers on my RO318?
If the servers have simple names like 'mail' or 'news', the problem may be that the ISP's domain suffix is not being added to these names before DNS lookup. Add your ISP's domain suffix as Domain Name in the RO318's System menu. In addition, the ISP may be looking for a particular host name for your account, in which case you should enter the host name as the System Name in the RO318's System menu. Example: Consider the following account with the ISP "earthlink.net". 1. Host Name: C-223344-A 2. Domain Name: www.earthlink.net Mail Server mail Although the ISP lists the name of their mail server as 'mail', the fully expanded name is actually: mail.earthlink.net If the ISP automatically provides the domain suffix to your router, the router will append the domain suffix to DNS requests. If not, you can try one of these methods: 1. In each application (such as mail client or news reader), list the fully expanded server name, 2. Manually configure DNS parameters in the network settings of each of your PCs, and enter the domain suffix manually.
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