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Anonymous Posted on Feb 16, 2006

Upgrade firmware How do I upgrade the firmware on my router?

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  • Posted on Jun 02, 2008
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At Step 5, I get Page can not be displayed error.


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  • Expert 123 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 16, 2006
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Joined: Feb 16, 2006

Step 1 Download the latest firmware. Step 2 Once you´ve downloaded the firmware, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape and enter the IP address of your router ( Step 3 Enter your username (admin) and your password (leave the field blank). Click OK to enter the web configuration for the device. Step 4 Click on the Tools tab and then the Firmware button on the left side. Click on the Browse button and browse to the .bin (or .dlf) file you downloaded in Step 1. Highlight the file by clicking on it once and click Open. Step 5 Click Apply. It may take a up to 30 seconds for the upgrade to complete. Click on the Continue button. The firmware is now upgraded. Step 6 If you get a Page cannot be displayed or similar error after clicking Continue, close your browser and re-open it. Enter and press Enter. You should now be prompted for your username (admin) and your password (leave blank).


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Slow wireless connection

I think you can try to upgrade the firmware on the router.

Connect one compute to the router and download the firmware of the router.
Open the setup page and upgrade the firmware.

See How to upgrade firmware on the router

After upgrading the firmware reset the router and reconfigure it manually.
See if that helps you.

Watch video: How to reset linksys router

Firmware version

Wireless routers contain built-in programmable logic called firmware. The firmware is embedded software that implements network and security protocols for that specific model of hardware device.Every wireless router ships with a tested version of firmware provided by the manufacturer. However, most routers are also designed to support a firmware upgrade process. This allows the manufacturer to provide enhancements to routers already sold. Manufacturers generally provide firmware upgrades as free downloads from their Web site.

Additionally, a few manufacturers (like Linksys) provide their firmware as open source code on the Internet. Programmers worldwide are free to modify and extend the code with new features for their routers. Several versions of this hacked firmware can be found on the Web, but the average homeowner should avoid these types of firmware.
The Firmware Update Process
You begin a firmware upgrade by downloading a binary file package from the manufacturer's Web site. After the package is set up properly on a PC, an administrator can launch the actual upgrade from the wireless router's administrative console. The router will stop functioning if the upgrade fails to complete. For this reason, manufacturers generally recommend an Ethernet cable be run from the router to the PC to ensure maximum stability during the update. Consult the router's product documentation for details.
Immediately after purchasing a router, check the firmware version to ensure it is the latest version. Firmware can be installed on a router at the factory several months before the router is sold.
Then, check the manufacturer's Web site occasionally over time for any new firmware upgrade postings. Each time a firmware upgrade is posted, the manufacturer will provide notes detailing the enhancements it provides. Feel free to skip an upgrade if the new version does not offer any interesting features. However, if a router is performing sluggishly, freezing unexpectedly or experiencing dropped connections, firmware upgrade often supplies a quick fix.

Looking for an updated firmware version for model WRT54G

Upgrading the router's firmware will give it numerous functions. This includes a more stable connection to the internet.

To upgrade the router's firmware, complete the following steps:

i. Downloading the Firmware
ii. Backing-Up the Router's Settings
iii. Upgrading the Router's Firmware
iv. Completing the Firmware Upgrade
v. Restoring the Router's Settings
vi. Completing the Firmware Upgrade Process

NOTE: Before proceeding with the upgrade, your computer must have an active Internet connection. It is also recommended that you use a wired computer in upgrading the router's firmware.


Firmware upgrade was interrupted & now I can't connect to it. I have reset it 3 times & still nothing

Upgrading the router's firmware will give it numerous functions. This includes a more stable connection to the internet.
To upgrade the router's firmware, complete the following steps:
i. Downloading the Firmware
ii. Backing-Up the Router's Settings
iii. Upgrading the Router's Firmware
iv. Completing the Firmware Upgrade
v. Restoring the Router's Settings
vi. Completing the Firmware Upgrade Process
NOTE: Before proceeding with the upgrade, your computer must have an active Internet connection. It is also recommended that you use a wired computer in upgrading the router's firmware.

Wireless-G WRT54G Router: how do i upgrade the firmware...

Is there any computer connected to the router with the cable.
If not then you will need to connect the computer to the router.
Download the firmware of the router from the manufacturer's website.
enter the model number. select proper version number and download the firmware of the router.
Once you download the firmware, you will need to open the router set up and upgrade the firmware of the router.
After upgrading the firmware, it is recommended that you reset and reconfigure the router.
Click Here for more information about router and networking

How do I upgrade firmware?

go to linksys download upgrade and follow instructions

My wireless router works then stops working how can i fix this

It works and then stops. I think you will need to upgrade the firmware of the router.
Download the firmware of the router from the manufacturer's web site.
Open the router set up and upgrade the firmware of the router.

Once you upgrade the firmware then reset the router for 30 seconds. unplug the power and plug it back in.
Reconfigure the router.

Click Here for more info on how to upgrade the router firmware.

Firmware Upgrade Failed

Firmware upgrade is a simple but a delicate procedure. Make sure you are loading the correct firmware. You should get your firmware from the website of your router. Installing a THIRD PARTY firmware to your router voids the warranty of your router. Here is a tip for a successful firmware upgrade. BEFORE FIRMWARE UPGRADE(push the reset button of the router for 30 seconds then unplug the power of the router for 10 seconds). Upgrade the firmware. After the upgrade push the reset button again for 30seconds, unplug power for 10 seconds.

Firmware upgrade

Firmware Upgrade Instructions:
Please download and unzip the firmware file to computer's local hard drive and then follow the instructions in the "readme.txt" file to upgrade the firmware.

Warning : -
Firmware upgrade failure may permanently damage the unit and causing it not to function. If the issues in the "Release Note" do not address the problem you are experiencing, please do not upgrade the firmware. Never upgrade the firmware using a wireless connection. Firmware upgrade will reset the Router to factory default state (all current settings will be replaced by default settings). When necessary, please write down the Router's current settings before performing the firmware upgrade. Please do not load the previously saved Router "configuration file" to the new firmware.

If you need assistance performing the firmware upgrade or if you have any questions, please contact our Techsupport Team http://www.trendnet.com/support.

How do I upgrade a Firmware?

Before doing the firmware upgrade, write down all the configuration settings made by you in the router. To upgrade the firmware, login to the router's web interface -> enter the password (smcadmin) -> click on login -> tools -> firmware upgrade -> click on browse -> browse to the location of the upgrade file -> click on 'Begin Upgrade' button -> you will be prompted to confirm the upgrade.
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