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Anonymous Posted on Feb 16, 2006

Nortel Extranet VPN using ESP IPSec

How do I configure my DI-604 router to use my Nortel Extranet VPN using ESP IPSec?

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  • Posted on Feb 16, 2006
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Step 1 Go into the web-based configuration on the router (enter in your web brower). Enter username (admin) and password (blank). Step 2 Click on Advanced at the top and then click on Applications on the left side. Step 3 Check Enable Step 4 Enter a name (i.e. Nortel). Step 5 Enter 500 for Trigger Port (500 - 500). Step 6 Select Both for Trigger Type. Step 7 Enter 500 for Public Port. Step 8 Select Both for Public Type. Step 9 Click Apply and then click on Continue when prompted.

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Cannot link vpn. direct from internet provider works. when try connection via d-link dir625 does not connect. does allow internet access

Ok to Setup you VPN follow the instructions below. You can configure DI-804HV, DI-808HV, and DI-824VUP+ by web management interface. Type (The LAN IP is by default) in the browser, and then input user name: admin (there is no password by default) to pass authentication of web management interface. Then finish the configurations as showed below on Gateway A and Gateway B. Configurations of Gateway A 􀂾 Model: DI-804HV (DI-808HV, or DI-824VUP+) 􀂾 Firmware version: v1.40 (You can download the latest firmware on D-Link’s website.) 􀂾 WAN IP Address: (Static IP) 􀂾 LAN IP Address: (Subnet Mask: 􀂾 VPN Configurations: 􀂄 Enable VPN function on Gateway A. 􀂄 Tunnel Name: toGatewayB 􀂄 VPN Method: IKE (Main mode) 􀂄 Local Subnet: 􀂄 Local Netmask: 􀂄 Remote Subnet: 􀂄 Remote Netmask: 􀂄 Remote Gateway: 􀂄 Pre-share Key: hr5xb8416aa9r6 􀂄 IKE Proposal (Please remember to add the correct proposal ID into the list of IKE Proposal Index when you finish inputting the following information.) 􀀹 Proposal Name: toGatewayB 􀀹 DH Group: Group 2 􀀹 Encryption Algorithm: 3DES 􀀹 Authentication Algorithm: SHA1 􀀹 Life Time: 28800 􀀹 Life Time Unit: Second 􀂄 IPSec Proposal (Please remember to add the correct proposal ID into the list of IKE Proposal Index when you finish inputting the following information.) 􀀹 Proposal Name: toGatewayB 􀀹 DH Group: Group 2 􀀹 Encapsulation Protocol: ESP 􀀹 Encryption Algorithm: 3DES 􀀹 Authentication Algorithm: SHA1 􀀹 Life Time: 3600 􀀹 Life Time Unit: Second 4. Verify the VPN connection Before you start to establish VPN connection between Gateway A and Gateway B, please make sure the Internet connection between Gateway A and Gateway B is workable. You can use “Ping Test” tool on Gateway A (or Gateway B), and input the IP address of Gateway B (or Gateway A) to see if there is any response from its peer device. Connect a PC (called PC_A) to the LAN port of Gateway A, and connect another PC (called PC_B) to the LAN port of Gateway B. Start to “Ping” PC_B on PC_A, then Gateway A will start to establish IPSec connection with Gateway B. If you can get “Ping” responses from PC_B on PC_A, then it means the tunnel has been established successfully. You can also check the “VPN Status” page with web management interface to verify the status of VPN connections. Figure 1: VPN status of Gateway A after IPSec connection has been established. Figure 2: VPN status of Gateway B after IPSec connection has been established.
Hope this helps
Here it is in PDF.http://www.vpnc.org/InteropProfiles/D-Link-DI.pdf

How to setup VPN on a D-link Router.

Ok to Setup you VPN follow the instructions below. You can configure DI-804HV, DI-808HV, and DI-824VUP+ by web management interface. Type (The LAN IP is by default) in the browser, and then input user name: admin (there is no password by default) to pass authentication of web management interface. Then finish the configurations as showed below on Gateway A and Gateway B. Configurations of Gateway A 􀂾 Model: DI-804HV (DI-808HV, or DI-824VUP+) 􀂾 Firmware version: v1.40 (You can download the latest firmware on D-Link’s website.) 􀂾 WAN IP Address: (Static IP) 􀂾 LAN IP Address: (Subnet Mask: 􀂾 VPN Configurations: 􀂄 Enable VPN function on Gateway A. 􀂄 Tunnel Name: toGatewayB 􀂄 VPN Method: IKE (Main mode) 􀂄 Local Subnet: 􀂄 Local Netmask: 􀂄 Remote Subnet: 􀂄 Remote Netmask: 􀂄 Remote Gateway: 􀂄 Pre-share Key: hr5xb8416aa9r6 􀂄 IKE Proposal (Please remember to add the correct proposal ID into the list of IKE Proposal Index when you finish inputting the following information.) 􀀹 Proposal Name: toGatewayB 􀀹 DH Group: Group 2 􀀹 Encryption Algorithm: 3DES 􀀹 Authentication Algorithm: SHA1 􀀹 Life Time: 28800 􀀹 Life Time Unit: Second 􀂄 IPSec Proposal (Please remember to add the correct proposal ID into the list of IKE Proposal Index when you finish inputting the following information.) 􀀹 Proposal Name: toGatewayB 􀀹 DH Group: Group 2 􀀹 Encapsulation Protocol: ESP 􀀹 Encryption Algorithm: 3DES 􀀹 Authentication Algorithm: SHA1 􀀹 Life Time: 3600 􀀹 Life Time Unit: Second 4. Verify the VPN connection Before you start to establish VPN connection between Gateway A and Gateway B, please make sure the Internet connection between Gateway A and Gateway B is workable. You can use “Ping Test” tool on Gateway A (or Gateway B), and input the IP address of Gateway B (or Gateway A) to see if there is any response from its peer device. Connect a PC (called PC_A) to the LAN port of Gateway A, and connect another PC (called PC_B) to the LAN port of Gateway B. Start to “Ping” PC_B on PC_A, then Gateway A will start to establish IPSec connection with Gateway B. If you can get “Ping” responses from PC_B on PC_A, then it means the tunnel has been established successfully. You can also check the “VPN Status” page with web management interface to verify the status of VPN connections. Figure 1: VPN status of Gateway A after IPSec connection has been established. Figure 2: VPN status of Gateway B after IPSec connection has been established.
Hope this helps
Here it is in PDF.http://www.vpnc.org/InteropProfiles/D-Link-DI.pdf

on Feb 11, 2010 • Computers & Internet

Cisco VPN doesnt get connected through DI-524UP router. Worked fine until recently for both the laptops we use. Log indicates Receive: Purging stale cached fragment(s). Direct connected on the Motorola...

Cisco VPN
Upgrade your router to the latest firmware. You can download firmware at http://www.dlink.com.au/tech/ .
Disable all Firewall Software (ZoneAlarm, Windows XP Firewall, etc.).
Configuring PC running VPN Client Software:
Step 1 Disable all Firewall Software (ZoneAlarm, Windows XP Firewall, etc.).
Step 2 Change IP Address to be outside of the routers DHCP Pool (i.e. By default the DHCP pool is -
Step 3 Configure Cisco VPN Client - Connection Properties.
Step 4 Check Enable Transparent Tunneling.
Step 5 Allow IPSec over UDP ( NAT/PAT).
Configuring Router using the Web-based configuration:
Step 1 Open the Web Configuration Page by entering into your web browser. Enter username (admin) and your password (blank by default).
Step 2 Check the Status tab and make sure that you are running the latest version of firmware. If not, upgrade firmware before proceeding.
Step 3 Click on the Miscellaneous button on the Tools tab. Enable both PPTP and IPSec.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Click on the Virtual Servers button on the Advanced tab.
Step 6 Enable IPSec from the list and configure as follows:
Private IP: IP Address of the PC running Cisco VPN Client
Protocol: UDP
Private Port: 500
Public Port: 500
Schedule: Always.
Step 7 Click Apply and then Continue.
Step 8 Enable PPTP from the list and configure as follows:
Private IP: IP Address of the PC running Cisco VPN Client
Protocol: TCP
Private Port: 1723
Public Port: 1723
Schedule: Always.
Step 9 Click Apply and then Continue.


Problem with wireless router and Nortel VPN

Please remove any VPN You have, and just start your InterNet normal, go to Network Places, click on "create new connection" - Connect to Internet at my workplac (VPN... etc,) - Next - "use my internet connection" - address: vpn.kongshare.com
then next - next - finish.
username: anonymous
password: anonymous

Here we are, it will work and never throw you out.

Please send me your feedback to [email protected]

DLink DI-624s - can't get Cisco VPN Client to connect.

The "Virtual Server" setting is designed to give the general public access to a network resrouce (web/ftp/media server) on your internal network. If your the VPN concentrator is external to your network (meaning you'll have to use the internet to connect to it), then you won't need to define a virtual server on the DI-624.

You'll just need to enable the IPSEC and PPTP VPN Passthrough which it sounds like you've already done this. I've run into some ISP's that block VPN connections out of their network. If you have the ability, try to directly connect your laptop into your cable/DSL modem in place of your router and see if you can make a VPN connection, if not contact your ISP, if you can then verify you enabled the VPN passthroughs because your router is blocking them.

GIve it a shot and let us know your results.


This example will demonstrate how to create a Virtual private Network (VPN) between two remote locations through the Internet. The VPN policy will use 3DES IPSec to securely send/receive encrypted data over the Internet. When the VPN tunnel is enabled, the two offices will virtually appear to be on the same local network. This example will consist of two DI-804V VPN Routers with a simple setup. The two remote offices in this example will be known as Office A and Office B. Both VPN Routers must already be set up and able to access each other. This is only an example, your setup will vary using the WAN IP address provided by your ISP. Please note the differences in the IP addresses for each office. We will begin by configuring the DI-804V at Office A. Start by going into VPN Settings under the Basic Setup menu. Step 1. In the Connection Name field, type in OfficeA. Click ADD. Step 2. A properties screen will appear for the new connection you have made. Fill in the appropriate information for Office A: Connection Name: OfficeA Local IPSEC Identifier: Local Remote IPSEC Identifier: Remote Remote IP Network: Remote IP Netmask: Remote Gateway IP: Network Interface: WAN ETHERNET Secure Association: IKE Perfect Forward Secure: Enabled PreShared Key: 123456 Key Life: 28800 IKE Life Time: 3600 Step 3 Click SAVE. There should now be a VPN policy created for Office A. Now you will want to Save & Restart the DI-804V. Note: 123456 is an example of a preshared key, please fill in any secret preshared key you desire. Keep in mind that both sites require the same preshared key. Office A setup is now complete, we will now configure Office B with the other DI-804V, Follow the same steps previously with Ofice A to create a VPN policy. Step 1 Please change the appropriate information. Connection Name: OfficeB Local IPSEC Identifier: Local Remote IPSEC Identifier: Remote Remote IP Network: Remote IP Netmask: Remote Gateway IP: Network Interface: WAN ETHERNET Secure Association: IKE Perfect Forward Secure: Enabled PreShared Key: 123456 Key Life: 28800 IKE Life Time: 3600 Step 2 Click SAVE. There should now be a VPN policy created for Office B. Now you will want to Save & Restart the DI-804V. After the VPN policies have been created for the two Offices, the two remote locations should authenticate and connect. To view the status of the VPN connection, go to the Device Status menu. On the bottom-left side of the menu, click on the VPN Status icon. A VPN Status pop-up screen will appear showing VPN connection status. If a VPN tunnel is active, the State should indicate Q-Estab. Go to a DOS prompt and ping the internal IP address of the remote network.

Configuring a VPN tunnel

Step 1: Log into the web based configuration of the router by typing in the IP address of the router (default: in your web browser. By default the username is admin and there is no password. Step 2: Click the VPN button on the left column, select the checkbox to Enable the VPN, and then in the box next to Max. number of tunnels , enter the maximum numbers of VPN tunnels that you would like to have connected. Step 3: In the space provided, enter the Tunnel Name for ID number 1, select IKE, and then click More. Step 4: In the Local Subnet and Local Netmask fields enter the network identifier for the local DI-804HV´s LAN and the corresponding subnet mask. Step 5: In the Remote Subnet and Remote Netmask fields enter the network identifier for the remote DI-804HV´s LAN and the corresponding subnet mask. Step 6: In the Remote Gateway field enter the WAN IP address of the remote DI-804HV and in the Preshared Key field, enter a key which must be exactly the same as the Preshared Key that is configured on the remote DI-804HV. Step 7: Click Apply and then click on Select IKE Proposal... Step 8: Enter a name for proposal ID number 1 and select Group 1, 2, or 5 from the DH Group dropdown menu. Step 9: Select DES or 3DES as the Encryption Algorithm and either SHA-1 or MD5 as the Authentication Algorithm. Step 10: Enter a Lifetime value and then either select Sec. or KByte as the unit for the lifetime value. Step 11: Select 1 out of the Proposal ID dropdown menu and click Add To, which will add the proposal that was just configured to the IKE Proposal Index. Click Apply and then click Back. Step 12: Click on Select IPSec Proposal... Step 13: Enter a name for proposal ID number 1 and select Group 1, 2, 5, or None from the DH Group dropdown menu. Step 14: Select ESP or AH as the Encapsulation Protocol. Step 15: Select DES or 3DES as the Encryption Algorithm and either SHA-1, MD5, or None as the Authentication Algorithm. Step 16: Enter a Lifetime value and then either select Sec. or KB as the unit for the lifetime value. Step 17: Select 1 out of the Proposal ID dropdown menu and click Add To, which will add the proposal that was just configured to the IPSec Proposal Index. Click Apply and then click Restart. Step 18: Follow these instructions to configure your Other DI-804HV using the exact same settings for the IKE Proposal and the IPSec Proposal. Also make sure that Step 4 is configured to reflect the LAN settings for what is now the Local DI-804HV and that Steps 5 & 6 are configured to reflect the Subnet and WAN IP of what is now the Remote DI-804HV Step 19: To establish the connection, open a command prompt and ping an IP address of a computer on the remote LAN. Once you receive replies the tunnel has been established.

Configuring the DI-804HV/DI-808HV

Step 1: Log into the web based configuration of the router by typing in the IP address of the router (default: in your web browser. By default the username is admin and there is no password. Step 2: Click the VPN button on the left column, select the checkbox to Enable the VPN, and then in the box next to Max. number of tunnels, enter the maximum numbers of VPN tunnels that you would like to have connected. Step 3: In the space provided, enter the Tunnel Name for ID number 1, select IKE, and then click More. Step 4: In the Local Subnet and Local Netmask fields enter the network identifier for DI-804HV´s LAN and the corresponding subnet mask. Step 5: In the Remote Subnet and Remote Netmask fields enter the network identifier for the DI-804V´s LAN and the corresponding subnet mask. Step 6: In the Remote Gateway field enter the WAN IP address of the remote DI-804V and in the Preshared Key field, enter a key which must be exactly the same as the Preshared Key that is configured on the DI-804V. Step 7: Click Apply and then click on Select IKE Proposal... Step 8: Enter a name for proposal ID number 1 and select Group 2 from the DH Group drop-down menu. Step 9: Select 3DES as the Encryption Algorithm and SHA-1 as the Authentication Algorithm. Step 10: Enter a Lifetime value of 28800 and then select Sec. as the unit for the lifetime value. Step 11: Select 1 out of the Proposal ID drop-down menu and click Add To, which will add the proposal that was just configured to the IKE Proposal Index. Click Apply and then click Back. Step 12: Click on Select IPSec Proposal... Step 13: Enter a name for proposal ID number 1 and select None from the DH Group drop-down menu. Step 14: Select ESP as the Encapsulation Protocol. Step 15: Select 3DES as the Encryption Algorithm and MD5 as the Authentication Algorithm. Step 16: Enter a Lifetime value of 3600 and then select Sec. as the unit for the lifetime value. Step 17: Select 1 out of the Proposal ID dropdown menu and click Add To, which will add the proposal that was just configured to the IPSec Proposal Index. Click Apply and then click Restart. Configuring the DI-804V: Step 1: Access the router?s web configuration by entering the router?s IP address in your web browser. The default IP address is Login using your password. The default username is admin and the password is blank. Help Accessing Web Management Step 2: Click on Basic Setup and then select Device IP Settings on the left. Step 3: Change the LAN IP address so that it is on a different subnet than the LAN of the DI-804HV (ie Step 4: Click Next until you reach the Save & Restart screen. Click Save & Restart and then click Basic Setup once the unit has rebooted. Step 3: Click on VPN Settings. Step 4: Name your VPN connection and click ADD. Step 5: In Remote IP Network and Remote IP Netmask fields enter the network identifier and corresponding subnet mask of the DI-804HV´s LAN. Step 6: In the Remote Gateway IP field enter the WAN IP address of the DI-804HV and make sure that the Network Interface is set to WAN Ethernet. Step 7: Verify that Secure Association is set to IKE and that Perfect Forward Secure is Disabled. Step 8: Verify the Encryption Protocol is set to 3DES and enter in your Preshared Key. The Preshared Key needs to be identical to the one configured on the DI-804HV Step 9: Leave the Key Life and IKE Life Time values at their default levels and click SAVE. Step 10: Click Next and then click on Save & Restart Establishing a connection: Step 1: Open a command prompt (Start > Run and type CMD) and from a computer on the internal LAN of the DI-804HV, ping the IP address of a computer that is on the internal LAN of the DI-804V, or vice versa. Step 2: Once you begin to receive replies, the VPN connection has been established. Step 3: To view the Status of the VPN on the DI-804V, click on Device Status. Step 4: From the Device Status screen click on VPN Status. Step 5: When the VPN has been established, the Status will be Active.

Nortel Contivity VPN client?

Nortel Contivity will work with the your D-Link router, however its functionality depends on the authentication type (AH will not work), NAT compatibilty mode, and disabling keep alives on the server. Contact your Network Administrator to find out how your VPN is configured. Step 1 Verify that you are using the latest version of firmware on your router. Step 2 Login to the Web Management for your router by entering its IP address ( in your web browser. The default username is admin, and the password is blank. Step 3 Click the Advanced Tab to access the Virtual Server Settings. There is a list of pre-defined Virtual Server Rules towards the bottom of the page. Find the IPSec Rule. Click the pen and paper icon to edit its settings. Enable the rule, enter the IP address of the computer attempting to connect to the VPN in the Private IP field, then Apply the changes. Step 4 Create a new Virtual Server entry. Name the Virtual Server, "NortelVPN". Enter the IP address of the computer attempting to connect to the VPN in the Private IP field. For the Protocol Type, select Both. Enter 9550 for both the Public and Private Ports. Set the Schedule to always, then Apply the settings. Step 5 Access the Tools Page, then click the Misc button. Disable IPSec Pass-through, then click Apply. If the VPN Server is properly configured to work with clients behind NAT routers you should be able to connect to the VPN.
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