GE D52GW12 52" Rear Projection HDTV-Ready Television Logo

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Juan Castro Posted on Jan 21, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Looking for a part

In the process of moving, the front screen of the tv was lost! Where can I buy this piece?

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  • Expert 513 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 22, 2006
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Joined: Jan 22, 2006

Thompson is the company who handles parts for GE, and Global INC is one of their distributers. hope this get you closer cheers

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Have a dlp samsung HLT6176S no picture already replaced the bulb still no picture what gives

Remove the lamp and look at the color wheel that faces it.

If wheel is shattered or missing pieces set will know it is not moving or moving too slow and shut set and lamp off.

Not all color wheels when fail make a sound


Can i buy a replacement screen for the front?

try contacting the manufacturer. without more information about the make and model that's the best I can offer.

We recently moved and this tv must have been damaged in the process. Although, the exterior looks fine, when we tried to turn it on the picture was a complete mess! It appeared shattered with colors sort...

Buy a new tv.The tv u have now,the LCD screen panel it internal screen membrain is broken.The tv,u have now,dosen't worth a whole tv anymore.Tv only now,worth as only as a salvages tv for it electronic boards for parts,that it.The LCD screens panels are 90% important to the LCD tvs,when,that damages or broken.The tvs doesn't worth it to replaced it LCD or Plasma screens,because tvs screens panels are limited produced by the tvs industries,u will not able to buy it anywhere,but the tvs industries themselves.They'll sell it to u,but the same priced as a new tv.

Mitsubishi hdtv 1080 ws-a65 screen broke need replacement

there are 2 functionality screens and 1 screen protector (on some)
front screen = lenticular
back screen = fresnel
very front screen = screen protector (you can replace w plexiglass)

the fresnel and lenticular are very specific.. contact your local repair center for a new one. you can cut them from old screens but have to do just right (fresnel is a lens type - pic will be distorted if off center)

maybe find a old junker tv to pull screens from because new ones are about $100 a piece

Is there any way to split the tv in two pieces for

I do not see any way to divide main wooden box of TV as you can remove front screen and back cover of TV but main cabinet of TV still remain the same.
Check below exploded views of WS-65313 for better explanation.



My son threw a ball and hit the screen cracks all over can this be fixed with a new screen or is it junk now really bright light shows through all the crack marks

The front glass is just a protector for the LCD screen. If your TV turns on and the picture looks ok (may be a little color variation around the crack if front glass is pushing on it, variation OK black Bad) If the picture looks within the range described then replace the glass. It is just a piece of standard glass and a pretty easy diy job. If the LCD screen is broken the repair will be more than the replacement cost. Sad fact US TV repairmen make a living wage while the workers that assembled you TV wouldn't be able to buy lunch here with what they made putting it together.

Older model Magnavox Big screen tv

Sorry Bud... It is dead, and would cost more to fix it then to buy a new one. And even if you got it fixed, something else will blow out on ya before to long, and most of those old parts are no longer made. Hey- it had a good long run of it's life, it's time to let go.

VS-50605 Screen

might measure the opening and buy a piece of plexiglass, wont look quite as good, but cheaper than a new one and usually available at glass shop.
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