Sony KV-9PT60 9 in. Portable Television Logo

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richard mccleskey Posted on Jan 19, 2006

It would not power up

I bought the Sony KV-9PT60 TV from CircuitCity used. I think it was one used with their video camera displays. It's marked as 1996 model, it may have been used for 5 years and I have had it in use for 5 years. Lines started coming across the top of the screen distorting the picture this past year. I came home the other night and it would not power up. It acted like it started too, the speaker made that little bit of noise, the power light turned green but within a split second it was off again. I have to press the button a couple of times before it will repeat what I described. When it was working the screen never came up right away upon pressing the power button. I think it did when I first got it. This has been the perfect TV for me and I sure was hoping it would last a couple of more years until HDTV was the only signal broadcast and I could afford to get a HDTV. I'm limited on money, I do not want to buy another TV and sure wish I could get this one repaired easily.

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  • Posted on Jan 19, 2006
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You should open the TV and look for a blown fuse near where the power cable enters the set. A lot of times you can buy replacement fuses at a local electronic or hardware store and they're easy to replace. Check the fuse. If it is blown, it will be obvious and make sure that the set is unplugged before replacing it. If it blows again, or if it is not blown, your problem is probably in the 'X' volt regulator and you will need professional help with the repairs. You can also check the board where the components are mounted and resoled any that look bad. Brief power outages may cause the TV to turn off on its own. If you are using a surge protector, try connecting the set directly to the wall outlet. In your case it could caused by a blown fuse, a leaky diodes or a bad solder joint at the horizontal drive transformer. All can be replaced at a local electronic or hardware store and they're easy to replace If this does not correct the problem, you may need to have your TV serviced or buy a new one. good luck!

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