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Anonymous Posted on Sep 15, 2005

Error message: "Not enough free space to delete 'filename'"

When using a Windows CE device, why I am unable to use the system after the error message: Not enough free space to delete 'filename'?

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  • Posted on Sep 15, 2005
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This error occurs because Windows CE first moves the file to the recycle bin before deleting it, and if there is insufficient space, the error message is displayed and the system appears to hang. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. * Empty the Recycle Bin Use the following steps to empty the Recycle Bin: 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Empty Recycle Bin" 3. Tap "Yes" when asked to confirm the file deletion. * Change the Properties for the Recycle Bin so that files are deleted instead of being moved to the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the check box for "Do not move file to the Recycle Bin, remove immediately on delete". * To make additional space available for the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the slider to the right.

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Status code 4174-0000-3080-0504-8007-000D

This is very simple: you seem to not have enough hard drive space for a system update that your console is trying to install.

Error 8007 0070 occurs when you install an update or buy content on...

(I've pasted some bullet points for you)

" Error 8007-0070 occurs when you install an update or buy content on Xbox 360
You may see the following error code and message when you try to update your Xbox 360 console or purchase content:

The "x" characters in the error code vary.
This may mean that there's not enough space on your storage device (mostly likely the Xbox 360 hard disk) to install the update or the content.

A console update or content download may require significant hard disk space. If you don't have enough free space, you need to move or delete some items."

You can probably get around this by using a 32gb USB thumb drive and moving some of your content that's hogging up your console's space onto that thumb drive temporarily.

Heres the info to get you started about moving and deleting hdd space--which also has info about using a USB thumb drive, too. Copy move or delete Xbox saved games profiles and avatar items

Need command prompt for Acer Aspire

The Windows Backup and Restore feature allows you to save files and system images to external backup devices such as hard drives and flash drives. However, backing up files become problematic if the directory your backing up files from isn't configured properly, or if you're having issues with the devices you're backing files to. There are ways to solve or work around backup problems quickly and safely.

Hard Drive b> A backup will not complete if the files you're backing up exceed the amount of space left on the external hard drive. If you're backing up large system files, Microsoft recommends saving the backup to an external hard drive that can hold at least 200 GB. If you're running out of space, you must delete content to create space for others or use another hard drive. Error Codes In some cases, Windows displays the following error codes when it's unable to complete a backup: "0x80070001 (Invalid Function)" or "0x81000037: Windows Backup failed while trying to read from the shadow copy on one of the volumes being backed up." These error messages usually appear if Windows is unable to backup a specific library or if you opt out of adjusting your backup settings and settle for the default settings in the Windows Backup and Restore Feature. Reparse Point b> If you're unable to backup a specific library and run into error code messages, removing the reparse point allows you to complete the backup. A reparse point is a file that contains information about the user on a computer. If it doesn't point to a location that contains some of the data you want to backup, error messages appear when you try to back up your files. Type "CMD" in the Start Search box to open the Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt, typing "DIR /AL /S" and pressing Enter lists the reparse points. Each entry says "JUNCTION," which also means reparse point. The entries also tell you the location of the reparse points in Windows Explorer. If you locate a specific reparse point in Windows Explorer, delete its mounted volume from the device's Properties. Once deleted, you should be able to back up your files. Discs b> If you're backing up files to a disc, you'll run into problems if the discs are non-rewritable and already contain data, or if they are severely scratched or damaged. Non-rewritable discs can only be used once, while rewritable discs can be used to read and write data several times. If the CD or DVD you're using is severely scratched, the optical disc drive spins harder than usual in an attempt to read it. If it's incapable of reading the disc, the backup feature may freeze or display an error.
Windows backup or restore errors 0x80070001, 0x81000037, or 0x80070003 - workaroundissue12

Currently my 500 GB WD External Drive has 353GB as free space. But when I try and add a 6GB file I get the following message "Error Copying File or Folder Cannot copy filename: There is not enough free...

How many directory deep is the file going that you are trying to save? I believe the maximum NTFS file (location + name) of file length can not exceed 256 characters total.

Example: C:\user\documents\file.exe is OK

But: C:\user\documents\folder\folder\folder\folder\folder\this folder name 230 charicters long\file.exe BAD


Sansa m230

The Music DB refers to the Music Database, or the Artist, Album, and Song info.

The error means your device is too full. It needs some free space on the device to create this information.

Connect your device to the PC and manually delete some files from it in My Computer>Device Name (m240)>MUSIC Folder.

It needs 6MB of free space, so you may need to delete several songs.

Disconnect the device from the PC, it should restart and you should be ok. If the message continues, keep deleting files until its gone,

Best of Luck.

Error message: "Not enough free space to delete 'filename'"

This error occurs because Windows CE first moves the file to the recycle bin before deleting it, and if there is insufficient space, the error message is displayed and the system appears to hang. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. * Empty the Recycle Bin Use the following steps to empty the Recycle Bin: 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Empty Recycle Bin" 3. Tap "Yes" when asked to confirm the file deletion. * Change the Properties for the Recycle Bin so that files are deleted instead of being moved to the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the check box for "Do not move file to the Recycle Bin, remove immediately on delete". * To make additional space available for the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the slider to the right.

Windows CE device

This error occurs because Windows CE first moves the file to the recycle bin before deleting it, and if there is insufficient space, the error message is displayed and the system appears to hang. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. * Empty the Recycle Bin Use the following steps to empty the Recycle Bin: 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Empty Recycle Bin" 3. Tap "Yes" when asked to confirm the file deletion. * Change the Properties for the Recycle Bin so that files are deleted instead of being moved to the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the check box for "Do not move file to the Recycle Bin, remove immediately on delete". * To make additional space available for the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the slider to the right.

Windows CE device

This error occurs because Windows CE first moves the file to the recycle bin before deleting it, and if there is insufficient space, the error message is displayed and the system appears to hang. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. * Empty the Recycle Bin Use the following steps to empty the Recycle Bin: 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Empty Recycle Bin" 3. Tap "Yes" when asked to confirm the file deletion. * Change the Properties for the Recycle Bin so that files are deleted instead of being moved to the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the check box for "Do not move file to the Recycle Bin, remove immediately on delete". * To make additional space available for the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the slider to the right.

Windows CE device

This error occurs because Windows CE first moves the file to the recycle bin before deleting it, and if there is insufficient space, the error message is displayed and the system appears to hang. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. * Empty the Recycle Bin Use the following steps to empty the Recycle Bin: 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Empty Recycle Bin" 3. Tap "Yes" when asked to confirm the file deletion. * Change the Properties for the Recycle Bin so that files are deleted instead of being moved to the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the check box for "Do not move file to the Recycle Bin, remove immediately on delete". * To make additional space available for the Recycle Bin. Use the following steps to change the properties of the Recycle Bin. 1. Depress the "Alt" key and tap the Recycle Bin. 2. Tap "Properties". 3. Tap the slider to the right.
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