Sony Handycam DCR-HC42 Mini DV Digital Camcorder Logo

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Anonymous Posted on Sep 14, 2005

Would grainy picture mean defective camcorder?

I just bought a Sony DCR-HC42 which I fell in love with the size and some reviews I have seen online. Well I took it for a shot today. It looked okay in outdoors but when I got indoors the picture was extremely grainy(mid-light). I tried contacting Sony and, of course, as we all know that talking to their customer service agents is the same as talking to a person from the 1800's about computers. They told me to reset the camera (which i did), to buy a dv cleaner (which I did, even though I thought it was stupid to use a cleaner on a brand new camera but I gave it a shot) and nothing. Now I don't want to ship my camera back to the place I bought it from bc they don't cover shipping expenses (more money going to waste) and sony wants me to ship them my camera (which I don't want to since it is brand-new and all)so I just want to make sure if the camera is either defective or it just performs that way. So my question is: if a camcorder is producing grainy pictures could it be a defective camcorder? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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  • Posted on Sep 14, 2005
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Here's what I do: I go to the store that I got the camera and try some shots there with their floor model and compare it. If defective I get them to work the issue on the spot.

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The most likely cause for this is a damaged or defective flexible ribbon cable that connects the LCD to the camera body and can be repaired fairly inexpensively. However, it's not a user serviceable problem and will need to be repaired by a qualified service technician.

My name is Rick and I'm a professional repair technician with over 20 years in the business and have repaired many of these. I


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If you are able to see picture in the viewfinder (eyepiece) on closing the LCD, then the cable connecting the LCD to rest of the camera has gone bad and needs replacement. Take it to a Sony service centre. They will charge Rs 750 for service charges and about Rs 700 for the cable. You can save the service charges if you replace it yourself, but I'll advise against it unless you are conversant with these sort of precision jobs.

LCD View screen problem Sony DCR-HC42

well if i'm not mistaking it could be the LCD board connection at the screen . but the replacement + labor will go from 120 to 170,

have you tried to open the screen, really slowly and see if it shows any life !.
you can try to get an stimate at sony, and see how mush it will cost you repair the machine.

there is not easy way to fix it, the screws are small and they can be lost really easy.sorry

Lcd is blank

Looks like the ribbon cable that connects from the LCD to the inside of the camcorder ,its either loose or defective and need to be replaced, hope this helps AJ

Sony handycam dcr-trv198

Hi Shaun,
Your camera has defective CCD Imager problem. Check following Sony web link to get free repair.

Handy camera

Sony has had some CCD problems with this and other model I think it is important to contact Sony at 1-866-703-7669


U can have it replaced - Sony was doing a recall from Oct 2005 to Oct 2007 so better be quick. Ask a Sony service center around ur area.
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