Canon PowerShot A95 Digital Camera Logo
Anonymous Posted on Sep 14, 2005

Problems with auto download from a card

Dear Friends, I have proble with my Canon a95. I tried to install ZoomBrowser EX and set the option for auto download. I want to download via card reader, so the effect i want to achieve is that I plug the card into reader, insert reader in USB port and than the auto download should start, but it does not happen in this way. I insert the card reader in USB port and nothing happens. What to do? Please help me! Thank you very much.

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  • Posted on Mar 30, 2006
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I dont think it will automaticly download with a card reader. Windows XP will detect that a new USB device is installed and it will open a menu to look at the files or play them but i dont think it will automaticly download. The card reader acts as a removable storage device so you need to tell it what to do. The only way it will download images is threw the camera. You will have to drag and drop them from the card reader to a folder on your computer. Go to mycomputer then next to your "local disk C" there will be a new icon that says "removable storage device" open that then inside there you may have another folder with theimages on it. Click edit, select all, then copy. Paste them into a folder on your desktop or in my pictures. The card readers are a general use device meaning it does not know if you are using it for a camera, mp3 player, a phone so it needs to be told what to do. Hope this helps!

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I have lost the installation cd,how can I upload my pictures from the camera to my pc?

You can get a USB Memory Card Reader to read your SD/SDHC Memory card from your Camera. Using copy & paste to transfer your Pics to the PC.


Download the "ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1 free" @ and use the updates from Canon Support Site.

Hope it helps.

My zoombrowser program will not recognize when my camera is attached to the computer with the supplied cord. The computer recognizes that a camera is found, but will not let the program recognize it. ...

Try NOT connecting your camera to your computer.

The best way to download pictures from your camera to your computer involves removing the memory card from the camera and plugging it into a card reader (either built-in to the computer or connected via USB or FireWire). This is likely to be faster than connecting the camera to the computer, and won't run down your camera's batteries.

Once the card is plugged in, it will appear to your computer as a removable drive. You can use the operating system's drag&drop facility to copy pictures from the card to the computer's hard drive, the same way you copy any other files. Or you can use Canon ZoomBrowser or any other photo cataloging program.

Trouble with downloading photos

Consider NOT connecting your camera to your computer.

The best way to download pictures from your camera to your computer involves removing the memory card from the camera and plugging it into a card reader (either built-in to the computer or connected via USB or FireWire). This is likely to be faster than connecting the camera to the computer, and won't run down your camera's batteries. The card reader doesn't care what camera took the pictures, so you can use it with any camera (assuming the card itself fits).

Once the card is plugged in, it will appear to your computer as a removable drive. You can use the operating system's drag&drop facility to copy pictures from the card to the computer's hard drive, the same way you copy any other files. Or you can use Canon ZoomBrowser or any other photo cataloging program.

Problem with Zoombrowser EX Digital Camera software. I've downloaded Zoombrowser EX to my computer...disk from Canon camera purchase. When I click on the icon, I get "class not registered". Some...

This is a registry error. Try this: type regsvr32 quartz.dll in the run box on your computer. That would be: Click start, run, and then type this into the box.
If yoou do this correctly, you should see a message that it was registered correctly.
Try the program to see if it fixed the issue.

Camera won't work with vista

There are no drivers available to make the Canon PowerShot A30 work with Windows Vista. Your best bet is to get a CF card reader ($15 or less) with a USB connector and put your card from the camera into it. Windows Vista will recognize the card reader and the photos without any drivers.

Zoombrowser not working- not able to download RAW images to computer

Make sure you turned the camera on. Could be a bad cable. Best thing to get is a usb card reader. Some people report problems of bent pins because of removing and reinserting them in the camera. So be careful there. Re-Install the software that came with it from Canon. Or you can download it from CanonUSA. URL below.

choose your OS and download what you need. 
Looks like ZoomBrowser is up to 6.1 now.

Another zoombrowser problem

You can use microsoft scanner and camera wizard to download in the meantime. I'm not sure what is going on with your Zoombrowser software. Which Operating System are you running?

Pics wont download from camera

try with another program tham zoom browser, it happen sometimes, try with nero viewer or something like that.


Canon zoombrowser Ex downloading problem

Go to the "Add and Remove Programs" in your Control panel.
Do a "Change" and do the 'repair program' utility.
That should fix it, good as new.
If that is not a possible option, try uninstalling. (if there is no "Change" and 'repair program') then Run the normal uninstall program.
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