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Anonymous Posted on Sep 14, 2005

Numerical photos I want put numerical photos on my iPAQ. Which program I need? Where I can load it? Is it easy to load? Thanks!

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  • Posted on Sep 14, 2005
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Joined: Sep 07, 2005

So you can just copy a jpeg file over to the IPAQ and then click on that file and it will display it. It's best to resize your photo down to below 100KB before you copy it to the IPAQ.

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What is the diffrence between bc (before christ) and bc (before civilziation)?

No numerical difference.

In recognition of the fact that billions of people are not Christians, there is an increasing usage of the terms BCE and CE, for Before the Common era instead of BC, and Common Era instead of AD.

Others take it to mean Current Era, but again there is no numerical difference.

2000 celica temp display

Use diagnostic tool to pull up the eml code up.

How do I do this?: Then put the machine in test mode with the key combo P-*-C-* and go to test command 14-Start to clear the code.

Please be aware that the 'key combo' P*C* that you've stated is a "simulation command". It is used by a service tech rep to cancel error codes or test the equipment for certain operation required of it. There are numerous numerical codes that needs to be input following this command plus a numerical sub code to verify action or test needed.
As for the command 14-start.... this is the code used to cancel most errors you may encounter during operation.

What is the passphrase needed to connect to my computer

A pass phrase is a series of alpha characters SIMILAR to a password, but they are usually limited to a certain number of characters.

These are "hashed" or converted to a numerical value for use as a numerical code used as a "password" for example the WEP code used by DSL modem to connect to the internet.

You USUALLY could enter the numerical code as Hexadecimal BUT with a pass phrase it is easier to remember something that is an alphabetic word or phrase and let the software convert it to the numerical code. USUALLY no spaces are allowed in such a pass phrase.

In the programs I have made when I use the Request enter a integer, I always have to press the alpha button before entering a # in the field when running the program, is their a way to program a request...

The syntax of the command is as follows
:Request Message, VarName
where Message is a character string containing the message that will be displayed as a prompt, and VarName is the name of the string variable where the input will be stored.
If you want to input a numerical value you must convert it from character string to a numerical value (I know, it is like splitting hair but string 123456 is not the same as number 123456)
You convert from string to numerical value with the expr() command.
:Request "Value of a? ", s
:expr(s) --> a

That should do it.

Hope it helps.

Programs won't upload to my ipaq 111 classic ppc

I did not know that I needed to do a soft reboot on the PCC. Once that happened, everything loaded at once. I don't know where it came from, but it all loaded.

Errors list : 46, 50, A1

(1) Press the (1) Press the
Menu and Mono Start keys. Menu and Mono Start keys. Next press the key four times to make the machine Next press the key four times to make the machine
enter the maintenance mode. enter the maintenance mode.
(2) Enter 8 and 0 by using the and (2) Enter 8 and 0 by using the and
Set keys.* Set keys .*
(*To enter a numerical code on models having no numerical keypad, press the key several times to (* To enter a numerical code on models having no numerical keypad, press the key several times to
display the numerical code to be entered and then press the display the numerical code to be entered and then press the
Set key. Set key. Repeat this operation for each Repeat this operation for each
numerical code.) numerical code.)
(3) Press the (3) Press the
Mono Start key several times until the purge count appears on the LCD. Mono Start key several times until the purge count appears on the LCD.
(4) Enter 2, 7, 8, and 3 by using the and (4) Enter 2, 7, 8, and 3 by using the and
Set keys to reset the purge count to zero.* Set keys to reset the purge count to zero .*
(5) Press the (5) Press the
Stop/Exit key to return to the initial stage of the maintenance mode. Stop / Exit key to return to the initial stage of the maintenance mode.
(6) Enter 9 twice by using the and (6) Enter 9 twice by using the and
Set keys to exit from the maintenance mode.* Set keys to exit from the maintenance mode .*
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