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DCS WO-130 Stainless Steel Electric Single Oven Questions & Answers
Oven beeps and display shows F7
F7 means that the keypad is shorted or stuck and to resolve
this issue you'll have to replace the Electronic Range control (ERC).
code can be caused by a faulty keypad or a stuck keypad which may mean
relay is turned on. Determine if problem is with the Key Panel or
Control by:
a.- Pushing CLEAR/OFF pad.
b.- Disconnecting Ribbon Cable from control and waiting at least 32 seconds to see if code come on again, the problem is in the Control. Replace control to solve it. If code does not come on, problem is with the Key Panel.
Hope helps.
DCS Single Wall Oven Model WO-130-SS
Order part #211708 from 1-888-281-5698 DCS Fisher@Paykel new Zealand. Only need philips head screw driver and twenty minutes. This part is a upgrade for lcd only. old part was a three part system, but no need for three parts only lcd screen.
DCS elect wall oven LCD display
Had the same display issue with my DCS WOS-230. The display was fading and made it very hard to read clock and temp setting. Called DCS/Fisher Paykal and was told I need the Control system kit for $335.00 to fix the issue. After reading the input on this issue on this site I pushed them to sell me just the DCS EOC 211696 double display module 100-01095-00. Install took 10 minutes and everything works great. Thanks all for laying the groundwork as DCS will really push hard to sell you the more expensive kit that you do not need.
Display on our dcs oven is beginning to fade. can i fix it?
Hello just repaired my DCS wall oven. LCD screen is no good. part # lcd only is 211708. cost is $85.00 dollars with shipping. Took me twenty minutes to install. just need one philips head screw driver.Just call DCS Fisher@Paykel 1-888-281-5698 new Zealand.
While cleaning oven the door hs remmained locked
Seems like you found out the hard way what I wrote about in this tip...
Check it out it also contains some thing to try on how to unlock that oven..
Self Cleaning Oven Problemheatman101
Asker's Testimonial " Wish I had read this first. I never would have usedthe self cleaning option. Thanks for the info!! " - amymrocks
Dcs wos-130 wall oven\r\nclock display dim and
Thanks for using FixYa. It seems that control panel
needs to be replaced as even the function keys are not working and the clock
display is also dim. If you get this done by a professional the cost should be
around $200-$300 depending on the cost of the control panel. Please
do accept the solution if the issue is resolved or post a comment for further
DCS over F7 error beeping
F2 and beeping sound...what gives?
open the cpu and din remove the memory and use the hair brush into the memory housing also applying hair brush into your memory and din put again into original position, and try to on it
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