click start control panel administration tools computer management device manager look through all of your devices if you see a yellow question mark?or exclamation mark ! or red xright click to reinstall drivers or
if you can see your usb but its not workingports(com&lpt)right click update driver
if this fails to fix the problem
check usb leads for secure dust free seating
sometimes the wires inside the cable will be damaged due to bending or stretching or placing heavy equipment upon the cable
just replace the cable of the hard disk, when you plugged the external disk drive you got that windows could recognize the USB device change the cable everything should work fine again,
check the USB leads that attach to the motherboard usually red-white-green-black make sure they are securely seated and have no dust build up on them dust will cause static and a lot of unforeseen problems
if this fails to fix the problem type in run "regedit" then press ok then you can see registry editor then locate below key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11 CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} And remove upper filter and lower filter. Then restart computer then check. Also locate the below key and make sure it's value is 3 not 4. HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor make sure start value is 3 not 4
if still no luck you might have to install a usb 2 or 3 card they are cheap and easy to install you can buy these on Ebay very cheap hope this helps
USB drives can be write-protected by modifying the StoreageDevicePolicies Registry key and WriteProtect Registry value. click Start>run>regedit to open Registry Editor. and press control+F to open the find dialogue box and type "usb device" or "driverdesc" to open usb mass storage device or type "usb mass storage device" in the search windows. And right click on it and delete. This will set the policy value to 0. then insert your usb device. It will work fine. # Remember: do not delete any unknow files in the registry as this will make some programes not work as usual. also If you are running a Windows XP OS then you might be able to: - click start right click on my computer select open - Right click the icon of your Flash Drive (It should be F:/ or something) - Click Properties in the menu that comes up - Click the Sharing tab - Click permissions - And finally, click Allow next to Full Control. hope this helps
The OneTouch has a five year guarantee and Seatools
can be downloaded free from the following address. It is not be too
difficult to use because there are clear and plain instructons and it
may be able to diagnose or even solve your problem. Also, if OneTouch
is faulty, the Seatools report code will be rquired to get it replaced.
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