20 Most Recent Maxtor OneTouch 4 Mini 160GB External USB 2.0 Hard Drive Questions & Answers


Maxtor one touch 4 mini 250GB hard drive beeping

I had the same problem and the Maxtor/Seagate website did not have any solutions. I finally got in touch with Tech Support and got a fix. I was using it with a Dell tower and plugging into a USB port in the front. I also was using an after market cable.

I learned the Maxtor is a power hog and beeps and shuts down when it is not getting enough power. I did not know but the USB ports on the front of a desktop/tower computer do not provide as much power as a port on the back (the back ports are sometimes directly connected to the motherboard). I got a USB extension cable and connected it to a USB port in the back and it solved the problem.

I also learned that most laptop USB ports are not powerful enough to run the Maxtor. Mine would also not work if you attempt to share it by using an unpowered USB hub. I have gotten it to work with a powered desktop USB hub (Belkin).

I believe that this may explain why you get a "Y" cable with the drive. I could not find an explaination for the cable or how to use. There may be an accessory to purchase that attached to the cable and powers it.
1/6/2021 12:21:06 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jan 06, 2021

My drive does not show up when plugged in on a windows 8.1 machine

Do you get the audible feedback that a USB device has been plugged in? If yes, the what may be happening is that the drive has no valid partition information and so windows cannot see it. go to Control panel>administrative tools?>computer management>disk management and see if the drive shows there. If the drive does not have a valid formatting you will likely get a warning that the drive does not contain valid information and needs to be formatted. If you believe that there there is information on the drive, do not formatter or say ok, unplug the drive and seek further help.
7/12/2015 8:50:18 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jul 12, 2015

2.0 mitusi glxi how much petrol per 100km

Hard drives don't use petrol.
11/1/2014 4:05:46 AM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Nov 01, 2014

My Maxtor One Touch4 Mini is not working

First to check the cable if not working then take it to heat and then try
10/19/2012 5:39:51 AM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Oct 19, 2012

My maxtor external hard drive won't turn on

make sure the lead/s that attach to your hard drive have dust free secure seatings and are good sometimes the become faulty due to overheating and stretching and heavy objects placed on top if your computer came with a motherboard disc the drivers could be on it click start control panel administration tools computer management device manager look through all of your devices if you see a yellow question mark?or exclamation mark ! or red x right click to reinstall drivers or if you can see your usb but its not working ports(com&lpt)right click update driver hope this helps

click start control panel administration tools computer management device manager look through all of your devices if you see a yellow question mark?or exclamation mark ! or red xright click to reinstall drivers or

if you can see your usb but its not workingports(com&lpt)right click update driver

if this fails to fix the problem

check usb leads for secure dust free seating

sometimes the wires inside the cable will be damaged due to bending or stretching or placing heavy equipment upon the cable

just replace the cable of the hard disk, when you plugged the external disk drive you got that windows could recognize the USB device change the cable everything should work fine again,

check the USB leads that attach to the motherboard usually red-white-green-black make sure they are securely seated and have no dust build up on them dust will cause static and a lot of unforeseen problems

if this fails to fix the problem type in run "regedit" then press ok then you can see registry editor then locate below key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11 CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} And remove upper filter and lower filter. Then restart computer then check. Also locate the below key and make sure it's value is 3 not 4. HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor make sure start value is 3 not 4

if still no luck you might have to install a usb 2 or 3 card they are cheap and easy to install you can buy these on Ebay very cheap hope this helps

6/18/2012 7:57:46 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jun 18, 2012

My drive says it is

it seems ur external hardisk has been infected by virus. from explorer option u can check the show hide folders and files option then u will be abe to see.
9/12/2011 7:57:22 AM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Sep 12, 2011

In need of a power supply for Maxtor s/n

I just bought one for one of our computers,,bought it on ebay they have good prices
if you decide to get one on ebay, just type in power supply for maxtor s/n 2cas6pja

or if you go to best buy & tell them what you need they can order it for you

8/26/2011 3:36:42 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Aug 26, 2011

Hi I own a Maxtor Onetouch

can you see this maxtor hdd you have stated only it is not backing up any more i will need more information on the problem to be able to try to fix it for you Gus
if your computer came with a motherboard disc the drivers could be on it click start control panel administrive tools ,computer management ,device manager look through all of your devices if you see a yellow question mark?or exclamation mark ! or red x right click to reinstall drivers or if you can see your usb but its not working ports(com&lpt)right click update driver sometimes the wires inside the cable will be damaged due to bending or stretching or placing heavy equipment upon the cable, just replace the cable of the hard disk, when you plugged the external disk drive you got that windows could recognize the USB device change the cable everything should work fine again, check the USB leads that attach to the motherboard usually red-white-green-black make sure they are securely seated and have no dust build up on them dust will cause static and a lot of unforeseen problems also make sure the computers Ram and Cmos battery are securely seated hope this helps
7/21/2011 11:53:18 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jul 21, 2011

Hi, I can't copy or paste

click start control panel administrive tools computer management device manager scroll down universal serial bus controllers you should see a yellow question mark? right click to reinstall drivers if you can see your usb drive but its not working ports(com&lpt)right click update driver click start click on my computer you should see your pen drive right click then select format another way is to control panel administrive tools computer management disk management right click on your drive select format

USB drives can be write-protected by modifying the StoreageDevicePolicies Registry key and WriteProtect Registry value. click Start>run>regedit to open Registry Editor. and press control+F to open the find dialogue box and type "usb device" or "driverdesc" to open usb mass storage device or type "usb mass storage device" in the search windows. And right click on it and delete. This will set the policy value to 0. then insert your usb device. It will work fine. # Remember: do not delete any unknow files in the registry as this will make some programes not work as usual. also If you are running a Windows XP OS then you might be able to: - click start right click on my computer select open - Right click the icon of your Flash Drive (It should be F:/ or something) - Click Properties in the menu that comes up - Click the Sharing tab - Click permissions - And finally, click Allow next to Full Control. hope this helps

4/14/2011 10:10:40 AM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Apr 14, 2011

It doesn't open anymore and it says installation

click start control panel administrive tools computer management device manager scroll down universal serial bus controllers you should see a yellow question mark? right click to reinstall drivers if you can see your usb drive but its not working ports(com&lpt)right click update driver check the USB leads that attach to the motherboard usually red white green black make sure they are securely seated and have no dust build up on them dust will cause static and a lot of unforeseen problems for a computer and its parts also scroll to disk drives if you can see your drive + to expand right click you should see options update driver disable uninstall scan for hardware changes select properties you should see options in the general tab to troubleshoot policies volumes driver and details under the driver tab you will have the options to check the driver details update driver rollback driver or uninstall hope this helps
3/23/2011 8:24:53 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Mar 23, 2011

When I plug my maxtor in, I can hear it "thinking"

use an external usb ide( or if your hdd is sata,then use a sata cable)then insert to a working computer then you can copy your files
2/19/2011 3:31:07 AM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Feb 19, 2011

Hi! I backed-up from a Windows XP and can't even

First make sure usb cable connected to harddrive is working fine. try it in different usb ports. Press windows key +R key so you can see run then type in run "devmgmt.msc" then press ok so you can see device manager uninstall all usb drivers then it automatic install usb drivers. then check. Also you need to change registry for that type in run "regedit" then press ok then you can see registry editor then locate below key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11 CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} And remove upper filter and lower filter.Then restart computer then check. Also locate the below key and make sure it's value is 3 not 4. HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor make sure start value is 3 not 4. Then you can see your drive in my computer. If you are able to access it on any computer copy all data then format drive then check. Let me know if you need further assistance. Thanks for using FixYa
1/19/2011 11:18:24 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jan 19, 2011

MAXTOR DRIVES: Vista and Win7 cannot see the drive

Seagate Troubleshooters
If OneTouch or other Maxtor (now Seagate) external drive does not appear in My Computer, this is the stage in the Troubleshooter at Seagate's website which could help, e.g. for Windows Vista or 7:-

There are links to other suggestions but if this does not reveal a solution, the drives have a five year guarantee and Seatools can be downloaded free to check the drive and warranty status from the serial number of the drive.

There are clear instructons and the Seatools utility may be able to diagnose, repair, or format the drive to solve the problem.

Also, if OneTouch is faulty, the Seatools report code will be required to get it replaced:-

My windows vista cannot recognise

Hi. This is the address of what I think is the stage in the troubleshooting guide which may help at the Seagate website:-


The OneTouch has a five year guarantee and Seatools can be downloaded free from the following address. It is not be too difficult to use because there are clear and plain instructons and it may be able to diagnose or even solve your problem. Also, if OneTouch is faulty, the Seatools report code will be rquired to get it replaced.



1/19/2011 9:57:56 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jan 19, 2011

My computer crashed a few days ago and my one

Hi, the new computer should recognise the OneTouch and find the right drivers when you plug it in.

The SafetyDrill recovery CD does not have the drivers on it. It is just for use as a boot disc if you want to completely restore your PC with a SafetyDrill copy which has been made earlier.

There is no installation CD but the Maxtor Manager utilities, including SafetyDrill, were originally on the OneTouch drive itself and should still be there if you explore it. To install Manager click on the icon called 'Launch' (which is a green forward triangle/arrow with an orange square off centre on it)

The 'guides' file should still be on the drive too.

1/15/2011 11:06:13 PM • Maxtor OneTouch... • Answered on Jan 15, 2011
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