20 Most Recent Frigidaire FRS26ZSG Questions & Answers


Chest freezer

check that the drain plug is tight in the bottom go back to the retailer and ask for a warranty refund as chest freezes do not " sweat" the machine is not fit for the purpose talk with a lawyer if you have to
7/2/2017 5:24:22 AM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jul 02, 2017

What causes leaking and freezing sheet of ice at bottom?

clogged drain ... look at bottom of freezer. you will see a small shelf with a hole in the middle ... turkey baster with hot water until it drains
12/21/2014 10:11:52 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Dec 21, 2014

Frgidaire side by side fridge not cold freezer is good

Fan needs to be replaced. Common issue and easily done. Please contact me if you need further help or leave feedback if appropriate as that is how I get paid. Thanks for letting me help you!
10/3/2014 12:15:25 AM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Oct 03, 2014

Door between freezer and refrigerator will not open

Good Afternoon Friend, I understand that the door between the freezer and refrigerator on your Frigidaire refrigerator, model# FRS26ZSG, will not open. I will be more than happy to assist you. The model number you have provided pulls up a side by side refrigerator, which only has two doors. So I am able to better assist, please provide me the model number to your refrigerator and elaborate more on which door will not open. Looking forward to hearing from you. -WP-
7/8/2014 8:29:34 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jul 08, 2014


Good Afternoon Friend, I understand that the bulb burned out in your Frigidaire refrigerator, model# FRS26ZSG. I suggest contacting the manufacturer, so they are able to find out which bulb it is and find the part for you. They should be able to sell you the part at which time you can replace the bulb. Hope this is helpful. -Best Regards- WP
6/2/2014 6:53:15 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jun 02, 2014

Why freezer works but fridge do not

Good Afternoon Friend, this is Z. Thank you for your post! Often when the temperature in the freezer compartment is cold but not cooling in the refrigerator section, it is because the temperature control is set too cold/high or the damper door is not closing. Turn the control to a warmer setting and allow several hours for the temperature to stabilize. Please allow the temperature of your refrigerator to stabilize within 24 hours. If it does not, then more than likely the control is not telling the damper when to close and/or your refrigerator might possibly have a faulty thermistor or temperature control. I would personally contact a professional to accurately diagnose your appliance to determine the root cause to reduce the risk of unnecessary parts.
5/28/2014 9:55:59 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on May 28, 2014

The refrigerator side is warm

is there a heavy frost build up on the back wall of the freezer?? is the fan in the freezer working??
3/12/2014 2:43:53 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Mar 12, 2014

Freezer works, fridge does not. The coils in the

f62d43f2-b0b5-483d-b6f5-308607e7d17b.jpgThe defrost timer for a model FRS26ZSG is found behind the kick plate at the bottom and front of your refrigerator. You will need to pull the kick plate off. If you turned the timer then that is the defrost timer part number=> 215846602 Defrost Timer I am here should you have questions, Sea Breeze
7/31/2013 10:56:01 AM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jul 31, 2013

Fridge stopped working, freezer still works

Light going out is a separate problem. If the freezer is still working and the fan in the freezer operating check for frost on the back wall. If there is frost on the back wall you have a defrost system problem.
Possible open heater, bad timer, or defrost thermostat. If the freezer is not working check for power to it. Reset the breaker if necessary.
If the light went out because of some power loss the freezer would not be working.
7/30/2013 11:30:25 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jul 30, 2013

Changing ice maker for fridadire part # FrS26zrg

Can you add water to the ice maker from tap water, Allow the water to freeze and if the ice maker drops the ice into the ice bin and then does not refill with water will point to your as the problem=> 218658000 Water Inlet Valve12_8_2012_4_36_04_pm.jpgIf the ice maker sits there with ice and does nothing the problem will be the ice maker=> 5303918277 Ice Maker Assembly12_8_2012_4_53_59_pm.jpgI will be here should you have questions, Thanks Sea Breeze
12/8/2012 4:57:40 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Dec 08, 2012

Frigadaire freezer cold but fridge compartment is warm

i need the complete model number to narrow it down they still make the frs20zrg to this day the last two numbers like frs20zrgwo or frs20zrgw9 is what will tell me what kind of defrost system it has the serial plate is in the fridge side up by the light bulb or on the left hand side or right hand side of the fridge compartment up near the top sorry to be a bother but its necessary
8/1/2012 5:48:34 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Aug 01, 2012

Water is pooling on bottom

The drain in the freezer behind back lower panel
needs opening. You can see it at the bottom of the back panel
underneath the evaporator coils. (The cold coils)
Run Hot water in the drain until it clears or use a hairdryer.
When the defrost melts the water it goes down the drain
If the drain is clogged with Ice or ? it overflows into the ref.
Run Hot water in the drain until it clears or use a hairdryer.
Also check fan undernearh Ref in the rear
Clean condenser coils underneath
.I'm including my article on Refrigerator Repair for your help and convenience.;
Please click or copy and paste into browser for Article
Thanks for using fixya
Leo Ponder
7/29/2011 3:36:39 AM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jul 29, 2011

We have a Frigidaire FRS202RG

Sounds like the fan behind the rear freezer panel has stopped working,therefore no air flow over evaporator coils causing ice built up and no cooling on refrigerator side. easy fix
1/9/2011 7:56:14 PM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Jan 09, 2011

Freezer leaking water

Our side by side Frigidaire was doing the same with water dripping out from the bottom of freezer area when the door was opened. It was a clogged drain tube (for the freezer defrost coils) causing our problem. The following steps are how I fixed the clogged drain tube which may be difficult to find and service depending on your unit and experience with appliance repair.

1st, pull frig/freezer away from the wall so you can get behind the unit then UNPLUG the electrical cord. You can leave the water line hooked-up if you have enough room to get behind the unit. Go ahead and round up a flashlight, vacuum, and whatever tool(s) required to remove screws from your unit.

2nd, MAKE SURE IT IS UNPLUGGED, then using whatever tool you need (1/4" socket for some) remove the screws from the paper (or other material) cover located on the back of unit near the bottom. When this cover is removed you should see a fan under the freezer side and a compressor unit under the refrigerator side if you have a frig/freezer with coils located under the unit instead of on the rear.

3rd, you may need to vacuum first to see it but there is a (black, dark grey, or white) drain tube located under the freezer side (near the fan in ours) running down from the freezer compartment to a plastic tray. Ours was approx 1/2" in diameter yours may be the same. Also, the tray may be built into the bottom of the unit and not be removable

4th, when you have located the drain tube you will need to gently pull it up (twisting side to side may help) and out of the retainer built into the tray so you can clean out the end. I used a vacuum and straightened paper clip to remove the crud from the tube and water started coming out while I was doing this. While you have the back/bottom cover off you might as well vacuum everything you can safely reach to help prevent the drain getting clogged again.

5th, after cleaning everything place the drain tube back into the retainer on the plastic tray and make sure you check the tube to prevent a kink. Also, the tube should not touch the bottom of the tray.

6th,replace the back/bottom cover and make sure to use the correct fasteners for whichever hole/clip they were removed from. After the cover is back on plug it back in and listen for the fan to come on. If everything sounds normal push the unit back to its normal position and congratulate your self on a job well done.
11/18/2010 2:56:41 AM • Frigidaire... • Answered on Nov 18, 2010
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