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Sony Ericsson P990i Smartphone Questions & Answers
I have problem with the web browser,i want to
I don't think that it would restore the browser functionality but what you could try if nothing else works is to do a master reset. The downside of it is that you will probably lose most of your data.
To do a master reset you have to:
go in Control panel -> Other -> Mater reset.
No internet setting
You need your Service Provider to send you Internet Settings.
Ring them up and ask.
Once they have sent them to you, save it and set as default internet connection.
Phone lock
Hi whether you want to unlock your sony ericsson P990i mobile from network lock ..Then have a look at sites like
Onlinegsmunlock.com who render unlock code for all mobile models at reliable cost.You first check that whether they are rendering code for your country and network provider ..If yes then pay for it and unlock your phone ..
Unlock code
If you want to unlock your Sony Ericsson P990i mobile phone from the network lock,you can get network unlock code from
Theunlockarena.com at reasonable price.Here they ask you to specify the country name,current network provider and IMEI number of your mobile phone.After specifying these details,they deliver an unlock code through
email.Then you can unlock it using code by following the instructions
given for your mobile phone from that site itself.
I forgot the lock code
ur defalt phones codes is 12345 or 00000 u can use it Default 4 Digit user code: 1234 or 0000Default 6 Digit Security code: 123456 or 000000Type *#06# at the mobile screen to know IMEI no of your mobile.send the IMEI no to me and i will reply you with unlocking code.IF Problem not Solved SoPlease New Software install in the Phone Problem will SolvedIf For puk & pin cod problem So PleaseVery Best Solution:You Go To Service & Sim Office and Get The Puk code And Pin code From Office opratorEnter The Puk code and YesEnter The pin code and YesSo Puk code Open and Problem will Quickly Solved
Camera button of p990i is
in proper manner or it pressed down. if it pressed down remove the steel plate and insert again it works
My phone wont boot after
You probable have the wrong software installed on your phone. please reload the right software for the phone.
My p990i flip keyboard 123
Flip keyboard consist of flex connector inside and this could be damage due to fliptop mechanism that usually in used.malfunction of its key may result by cutting or breaking the flex connector and this is not repairable,possible to replace the flex connector and only service center can fix this problem.
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