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Epson Stylus CX5000 InkJet Photo Printer Questions & Answers
Epson Stylus CX3810
I think the MF printer has a defect in the scanning portion of electronics causing the issue. Maybe a hard reset will restore to proper operation. Also uninstall and reinstall the drivers. Also check to make sure that you are using it with an OS that is compatible. Scanners are notorious for not working in alien environment and needing a different driver.
Why can't I print black and white, without colored ink?
I have the same problem & have been searching for weeks for a replacement printer that will print B & W with one or more colors empty. I haven't had any luck yet - I did run across a post that said: For black and white images and photos, a blend of colors called "composite black" may be used to achieve significantly better image quality and smoother gray tones than can be accomplished with black inks alone. I'm still searching...
No longer recognizes the ink
Are you using compatible ink cartridges? When a compatible cartridge is empty in an Epson printer the printer reports "Cartridge not recognised". This is Epson's way of scaring you into using Epson branded cartridges. Just change the cartridge and it should be OK.If it's not that issue then maybe the chip on the cartridge is faulty. Again, just change the cartridge.
Replaced black ink but will not print in black epsom CX5500
Inkjet printers need to be used frequently to prevent ink drying out and blocking the print head nozzles. If the print head cleaning maintenance routine does not clear the blockages, then print head needs replacing, but it may be expensive. It may be more cost effective to buy a later model and better printer than replace the print head.
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