20 Most Recent Dell 924 All-in-One InkJet Printer Questions & Answers


Dell 924 printer shows error as "unsupported cartridge"

You can't have a Dell cartridge refilled. It's Dell's way of making big bucks selling overpriced cartidges. Their practise is almost illegal and eventually they will get sued.
Buy an HP or a Kodak printer. Both sell better printers and their cartidges can be refilled.
12/2/2021 7:32:44 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Dec 02, 2021

Foo bar

6/4/2021 7:05:05 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Jun 04, 2021

Black horizontal lines printing on all printing.

Push menu on your printer, then fin maintainance. Then go to clean printer and push the green button. It will clean the cartridges for you and that should help. 
5/4/2020 2:41:12 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on May 04, 2020

OCR application error with the Dell ALL in ONE

OCR is a software provided by Dell to convert a scanned document to editable text(word) document. If you scan without OCR software, printer will scan it as a Picture and you can not edit it.

Now here is your answer.
When you install Printer CD, it also install OCR software (Abbyy Fine reader) along with it.
You might have uninstalled the printer drivers and reinstalled them by downloading it from Dell support site.
I must tell you that Downloaded drivers from Dell site DOES NOT contain OCR software.

1. You can download free trial version(15 days) from Abbyy.com
Click here to download

2. If any of your friend or relative have printer listed below then you can use the same CD to install the OCR software.
List: Dell 924, Dell 926, Dell 928, Dell 944, Dell 946, Dell 948, Dell 964, Dell 966, Dell 968.

location on Disc:

3. You can scan using MS Paint.
Click on Start > All Programms > Acccessories > Paint
Click on "File" on Top left corner.
Click on "From scanners and cameras"
Click on "Scan"

It should be able to scan.

4. If you want to use Dell All In One Center.
You can disable OCR option for scanning and it will scan as an image.

Open Dell All in one center.
Click on Advanced scan options Under scan,
Uncheck "Use OCR software".
Click OK and try to scan again using Dell All In One center or using the printer operator panel.

Please revert for any further assistance.
11/20/2019 12:15:29 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Nov 20, 2019

My Dell Photo A10 Printer

There is no A10 printer , the AIO stands for All-In-One. So i'll assume you have the 924 model.
First make sure the printer itself is functional: shut it down, disconnect it from the pc, start it and use it to scan and copy a file - just press the Start button.
If it doesn't work then the printer is effectively dead - the damage is in the procesor and to replace iot would cost more than a new printer.
If it works then there is something wrong in the setting from the pc. In that case the first thing you should check in Start ? Control Panel ? Printers and Other Hardware ? Printers and Faxes ? Double-click Dell Photo AIO Printer 924, and then click Printer ; in there make sure a check mark is not next to Pause Printing. If a check mark is next to Pause Printing, click Pause Printing to clear it. If it's not then the driver and the associated utility have been corrupted: uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs, reboot , manually wipe all the remaining Dell folders reboot one more time and reinstall them.
11/20/2019 12:08:44 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Nov 20, 2019

Dell Photo AIO Printer 924 - Printer Busy

Might need a new printer. Lexmark printers can be troublesome.
11/4/2019 9:51:19 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Nov 04, 2019

Elise devid is a spammer scammer - don't trust that phone number dell photo 924 with mac os x

No Dell AIO 900 series printers can be used with Macs. To save money on the components, these printers were built using low capability chips that offload almost all processing to the host computer. The procedure is completely proprietary to this branch of printers and no driver is available for any other OS than Windows.

The printer is basically a Lexmark with a Dell logo on it, but drivers for the comparable Lexmark printers have been confirmed not work. You cannot use the "Generic" or "PostScript" drivers with this printer either. Its hopeless.
11/1/2019 11:33:45 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Nov 01, 2019

924 printer-colour cartridge-

Still Blinking: Remove both the Cartridges take a Paper Towel turn the catridges direction so that u can see a Copper plate with small boxes on it....... Just wipe it twice or thrice with the Paper Towel.......... Now insert it and Power on the Printer and see whether u have the same error message if still it gives the same error message..........Get the catridges replaced......
Good Luck...........
7/10/2019 12:03:48 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Jul 10, 2019

How do i get cheap ink

use ciss to printer, which we can minimize 90% cost when printing. Everytime purchasing cartridge always cost high because of cartridge package and its chip.
8/14/2018 5:25:13 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Aug 14, 2018

Power cord for Dell Photo 926

Look on the back of the printer and enter the service tag number here;\http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/partsforyourdell/index?~ck=mn It usually gets the original part number for you. Or call Dell directly: 1-877-717-3355
10/24/2017 7:01:55 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Oct 24, 2017

Hi! i m to use urdu language in ocr software so

Click start, all programs, Abbyy Fine Reader. Click on Language and select the language you want the OCR Program to use.

9/28/2017 9:31:01 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Sep 28, 2017

Dell photo 924 ink cartridge problems

Hi ,
if you are getting the msg color cartridge missing , maku sure that it is compatible with your printer , on the cartridges you will get the part no M4646/J5566 , look for those part no's and if it is giving the error msg on the LCD display of the printer , try using the old cartridge ...try the following steps
1) put the old cartridge in and then unplug the power adapter (Black box ) from the printer.

2) wait for 30 seconds and put back the power adapter and turn on the printer, and look for the msg on the printer display. if it gives the same error msg with the old as well as the new color cartridge then its an issue with the printer , and if it does not gives the error msg with the older one then its an issue with the cartridge and if you have purchase the cartridge from dell online/phone then call them back give the order no of the cartridge that u have purchased and they will replace it.

good luck..
8/8/2017 9:16:37 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Aug 08, 2017

Cartridges replaced- top closed- no way out of manual

Completely disconnect this unit. Power, usb etc. hold the power button for 30 seconds. (it obviously won't turn on, but humor me) Then open all the doors on the unit, paper jam, ink cartridge access, and ink cartridges also/ etc. Close all doors again, then connect to the computer, then the power, then power on. If the problem persists, you broke the sensor or it's little plastic tab, which might not be worth replacing.
7/2/2017 7:49:45 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Jul 02, 2017

I have a Dell V105 scanner printer. I am able to

Once you have scanned a text document you need to use an OCR (optical character recognition) program to convert the scanned image to text. This text document is then copied and pasted into a Word document to edit, amend and correct spelling mistakes created by the OCR program.
There are freeware OCR programs on the Internet as well as commercial programs.
Check out these freeware OCR programs from these WEB sites.
12/5/2015 6:48:57 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Dec 05, 2015

Dell V105 OCR software

You can try this free online ocr to convert image to text.
9/18/2015 3:41:18 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Sep 18, 2015

Got 1 used n abused previous owner rigged n halo head lights...

Well the best way is to get a Hanes manual for your make and model at an auto parts place . It will show you all the wiring diagrams and color coding. Use to be about twenty bucks but that is the cheapest I know. Could be something online but not sure. You could get the harness wiring from junkyard and get the right colors and even see how it is routed
7/3/2015 2:20:35 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Jul 03, 2015

How to get pepair manual for dell printer924

anonymous, The only manuals that are available are listed at the link below. Dell 924 Printer Manuals http://dell.to/1Di75BB Thank You, Dell-Jesse L Dell Social Media and Communities
2/16/2015 7:26:35 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Feb 16, 2015

Error msg says 'Alignment problem. Remove tape

A brand-new, never-inserted-into-the-printer, ink-cartridge will have a small piece of tape over part of the mechanism, to prevent the ink from drying-out while it sits on the store's shelf. If you inserted a brand-new cartridge, without removing that tape, just remove the cartridge, remove the tape, and re-insert the cartridge.
8/15/2014 7:49:05 PM • Dell 924... • Answered on Aug 15, 2014

Dell Printer 926 Error 1203 "Print Head Short"

Error code 1203 means that you have a print head short error. The way to fix this is to:
1) Clean the contacts on the cartridge w/ a damp cloth. Only do it in one direction so that you're not smearing ink all over the contacts!
2) Disconnect and then reconnect the power cord from the wall and from the back of the printer. Wait about 30 seconds, and then plug everything back in.
If this doesn't work, you may need to replace the ink cartridges...you can always try it one more time just to be sure
7/31/2014 7:37:33 AM • Dell 924... • Answered on Jul 31, 2014
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