OCR is a software provided by Dell to convert a scanned document to editable text(word) document. If you scan without OCR software, printer will scan it as a Picture and you can not edit it.
Now here is your answer.
When you install Printer CD, it also install OCR software (Abbyy Fine reader) along with it.
You might have uninstalled the printer drivers and reinstalled them by downloading it from Dell support site.
I must tell you that Downloaded drivers from Dell site DOES NOT contain OCR software.
1. You can download free trial version(15 days) from Abbyy.com
Click here to download2. If any of your friend or relative have printer listed below then you can use the same CD to install the OCR software.
List: Dell 924, Dell 926, Dell 928, Dell 944, Dell 946, Dell 948, Dell 964, Dell 966, Dell 968.
location on Disc:
3. You can scan using MS Paint.
Click on Start > All Programms > Acccessories > Paint
Click on "File" on Top left corner.
Click on "From scanners and cameras"
Click on "Scan"
It should be able to scan.
4. If you want to use Dell All In One Center.
You can disable OCR option for scanning and it will scan as an image.
Open Dell All in one center.
Click on Advanced scan options Under scan,
Uncheck "Use OCR software".
Click OK and try to scan again using Dell All In One center or using the printer operator panel.
Please revert for any further assistance.