start control panel administration tools computer management device manager
scroll to sound video and game controllers you might see a yellow question /
exclamation? ! mark or a red X Right click to reinstall drivers
your computer came with a motherboard disk the drivers could be on it
you might download slimdrivers.
Rather doing a driver hunt
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Note: it will find all of your outdated drivers
This is a
free driver solutions
which will automatically search for and find the
correct driver
will have to update every driver individually once you update you might be
asked whether you want to restart or make a system restore point.
no to both of these then continue updating each driver free then restart once
all of the drivers have been updated.
It might take some time being free
Just type in what you want or need be specific you
might have to try a few times to get it right.
Tick in either the all software or the windows
software box.
IE: Motherboard name sound