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Texas Instruments TI-89 Calculator Questions & Answers
TI-89 Titanium screen frozen at apps menu
Remove the small memory battery, and then remove one of the four AAA batteries, then while holding down the APPS button reinstall the AAA battery and then it should say waiting to recieve operating system then hook it up to your computer with the silver connect cable and then on the computer send the operating system to the TI89 Titanium, and wait for it to install completely and it should work.
9/26/2024 1:08:02 AM •
on Sep 26, 2024
My ti-89 titanium is frozen. the top bar on the
This error is due to 3rd-party software not compatible with the Operating sytem. The software is trying to access a memory address (location) reserved for the OS or for an application.
To correct it:
The following procedure will completely reset the calculator. Note that this will erase the memory of the calculator and
restore all manufacturer's defaults.
• Hold down the following keys [2nd] [<] and [>] (right and left arrow keys)
• Press [ON]
• Release all the keys at the same time
• Adjust the contrast, if necessary.
10/25/2023 4:54:10 PM •
on Oct 25, 2023
TI-89 Titanium completely frozen (Tried all reset methods)
Press left and right arrow and 2nd keys simultaneosly, hold it and then press ON. Release all keys at the same time and you will reset TI 89 Titanium.Or, type diamond key simultaneosly with + or -(plus or minus) key to resolve dark screen.
12/17/2021 7:55:02 PM •
on Dec 17, 2021
Why wont my ti-89 integrate
It ts easy to find solution for this problem. Type
int(sin(377x-1.231),x,0.299,3.94)See captured image below
7/31/2021 3:44:02 PM •
on Jul 31, 2021
"variable or flash application in use"
First stop the application that is running [2nd][Quit] or [Escape]
From Home screen
[Apps][Data/Matrix Editor/][3:new] name the data set when asked.
A table is displayed Enter the values in list c1 and c2 You can rename the variables in header.
When finished press [F5:calc]
In calculation type right arrow select 5:linReg in front of x enter c1, in front of y enter c2 and [enter] to save. the equation shows when you press [ENTER]
Hope it helps.
4/22/2021 7:48:28 PM •
on Apr 22, 2021
When i do my integration
What are you trying to do? The syntax you use depend on what you want to achieve.
Indefinite integral : Integral( ln(x),x) gives the correct answer xln(x)-x
Definite integral : Integral(ln(x),x,1,2) gives the integral of ln(x) between x=1 and x=2
Definite integral between 1 and y : Integral (ln(x), x,1,y) gives the correct expression yln(y)-y +1
By inserting the =0 you are in fact assigning the result of the integration to value 0, and the calculator calculates the integral and assigns 0 to it. This is what my TIVoyage 200 PLT gives me:
{Integral((lnx),x,1) = 0.} returns {x.ln(x)-x+1=0}
which is an equation.
7/20/2019 2:18:48 PM •
on Jul 20, 2019
Cannot connect ti 89 to computer
Check to make sure TI-Connect is looking on the right port, whether USB or serial. If you have a serial cable, you might consider using Ti's Graph-Link software to connect. I have had trouble getting it to work right with TI-Connect. You can find Graph-Link on TI's Education site under Downloads > Connectivity Software. I personally prefer the free program
TiLP, which runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux and supports whatever cable you want. Hope this helps!
2/13/2019 2:03:54 PM •
on Feb 13, 2019
TI 89 won't turn on
Try a hard reset if you're willing to sacrifice the contents of all RAM.
1. Make sure the batteries are installed correctly.
2. Press and hold the 2nd, Left, and Right keys.
3. Press and release the On key.
1/21/2019 1:39:21 AM •
on Jan 21, 2019
My Ti 89 won't turn
TI calculators have a habit of dimming the screen contrast when the batteries are changed so that it appears as if the calculator isn't turning on. Turn the calculator on (or at least press the ON key). Press and hold the diamond key and press the the + key to darken the screen. If you go too far, use the diamond and - keys to lighten the screen.
If this doesn't do it, please reply to this post and we can try more drastic measures, though they may cause the loss of memory.
9/24/2018 10:59:33 PM •
on Sep 24, 2018
I am trying ot upload
How many times has that happened, please?
What happens if you try a few word test?
Has this always behaved the same way, or what's changed?
11/6/2017 1:41:06 PM •
on Nov 06, 2017
I am trying to graph
Did you still need help with this? My suspicion is a missing multiplication sign. Sometimes you need to be very explicit in what you want the calculator to do. Have you tried sqroot(sin(2*theta)) explicitly putting the multiplication symbol in there? I think 2theta is interpreted as it's own variable name...
4/22/2017 11:12:16 AM •
on Apr 22, 2017
Just bought this Ti-89 and I can't graph a Diff
Even though implied multiplication is accepted generally by the calculator when it involves a number and variable, it leads to errors when it involves two sybmols,
xsin(x) is interpreted as a function called XSIN not X*SIN(X).
Suppose you have a function y1, function of t and you write ty1 the calculator will generate an undefined variable error: It reads ty1 as a variable.To prevent the error message you should write t*y1, showing the multiplication explicitly.
Similarly if you write y1'=0.001y1(100-t) the expression y1(100-t) is interpreted as a function call: the function y1 is called with argument 100-t. If it is what you want you should explicitly express the multiplication and wrtite y1'=0.001y1*(100-t).
3/17/2017 9:02:29 PM •
on Mar 17, 2017
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